Loyalty ?, sorry what ? To PW im a potential customer, nothing more. They want me here and in the games they make, so they can get me to use money. They dont care who i am, where i am, what am doing nothing. All they wanna know is my credit card number. Its up front and its fair game. But for them to get me to spend money…
Nope, havent loggind in for a week or so, mainly because the game brings nothing new to the mmo scene. The F2P model dosent seem to fit me that much tbh, mainly because i cant find the time to farm enough in them. I simply find it to boring to be forced to log into a game everyday to do some specific things to make some…
Sorry to say it dude, but ones a game starts taking money from people, its no longer a Beta. When you start selling things to people, your commited to deliver the stuff.
Even if the game is fun, he is right you know ? This game is build around the fact everyone rolls Need on anything and sell's it. Its all about the money, nothing else.