Personally I like the return to Guild/party centric gaming (Gauntlgrym) and would love to see more of it. Instead of this drift to solo online gaming. I can understand however why others might be upset. The window of opportunity is what annoys me most though. Next time that Gauntlgrym is available is in 4hours, my 3pm.…
There is no difference. When the game officially launches there will be only one server. It's just during the beta that they run two. If you have friends that play make sure you both roll on the same server. As you will be able to talk to friends across servers but you can't group with them.
Hero of the North, PC Gamer Key and two guardian purchases, on three accounts. I have received no further beta details about BW2. Only way I know an email was sent was a post by deathssickle Am I worried? Nope. Was the same for BW1. Just check to make sure your keys have applied correctly. As identified under the Redeem…
Foundry requires level 15 to unlock it unless you're a Hero of the North. So 2-4hours game play at current rate of exp gain. I feel your pain Zylaxx. I wanted to play a Paladin but unfortunately they haven't even been eluded too. Luckily the Guardian Fighter is similar to the way I wanted to play my Paladin.
To many MMO's release to early and pay the price. I suspect they would lose more potential income and greater damage done to their brand by releasing an incomplete product (Open Beta). People have waited 18months another 3-6months wouldn't kill them to have a more polished game then the state it currently is in. Whether…
Guess we agree to disagree. To me the Choices, Guild Content, and PvP are essential elements that greatly impact on the longevity of the game. Yes some of the character builds might be considered "stuff" but others are intrinsic to D&D and MMO's in general. I mean no bows at launch (Open Beta). As for difficulty that's…
Difficulty level. Game is far to easy. Prefer they start it out crazy hard instead of hitting level 30 in 9 hours, with zero deaths. AI needs a massive overhaul. Standard monsters need to be buffed so as that 1 is challenging, 2 is difficult, 3 requires skill, 4+ requires group (I don't mean companions as group members I…
This aspect of the game entices me the most. I've already had the privilege of playing a few Foundry missions and found the potential in them to be almost overwhelming. Giddy with the possibility of creating and playing content made by the public and my friends.
Please no! All classes need a nerf. I played a Guardian Fighter the whole Beta Weekend and didn't die once. I could take on countless mobs and didn't even have a fear of dying. They need to drastically decrease the damage and hit points of all PC's and increase the damage done by NPC's. As for clunkyness of the Guardian I…
I played all weekend from Australia. Only once did I ever lag noticeably, and I suspect it was my ISP and not the server. Yes our pings are higher so sometimes I got clipped by monster abilities but it wasn't disproportional to other non-Oceanic hosted MMO's. 180-200ms.
I also encountered this issue and have submitted a ticket. Though I don't think there is a way to track your ticket. Would be good if there was an acknowledgement that your ticket was successfully submitted, or the ability to see a list of your submitted bug reports. With the option to update them.
In relation to proximity from exchange. But those already close to an exchange won't notice to much of a difference. Doubt it will be greater then a 10ms. I sit on around 160-180 to US West Coast Servers without any proxy forwarder and not on the NBN. I would be surprised for that to drop any lower. This is more a language…
Username = Your account name don't give that to anyone. Display Name = What name you go by on the forums. ID = @handle. This ID is to associate all your characters to one name or handle. The idea of the ID or Handle is so friends can track each other down easier. And so there is no contest when it comes to securing your…
An uninstall might not be cleaning out your registry so that maybe a cause of the issue. Might I suggest a different user profile? Create a new user account for your local machine. Than login and attempt to run NWO, should be no need to re download. There might be an issue with NWO and your registry settings. A new local…
Local servers are nice. Two things though. 1.) There is only one game server. The server is than divided into shards. You might know them as instances like in SWTOR, example Republic Fleet (1), Republic Fleet (2), and so on. This happens when there is an overflow of population. You can see this in Champions Online as well.…
What do the RPer's think about the generic origin story? I guess you can work it into your back story. But for me I would have preferred a blank slate. Youtube Link around the 8min mark. Perhaps it's tied into so encounters/story lines. I do like how they have the Biography section to allow you to flesh it out more. Wonder…
Might want to check out this link! Meaning that the only people with access to this weekend are: Beta Weekend 1 - February 8-10: Hero of the North Founder's Pack purchasers - (and Neverwinter Beta Weekend Friend Key -…