When were TRs working with "next-to-nothing" in PVP? PVE? Maybe. Yes. PVP? TRs have been great at PvP. I mean, you've had PERMA. So what if your damage was a little low in m4 PvP? You could dole it out with zero repercussion. Now you still have PERMA, plus amazing cc, speed, dexterity, AND DAMAGE, piercing damage in…
One CW build got a mini mini nerf, the other specs got entire overhauls. Almost every CW skill had its already-fast cast times further shortened. You're crying about what, exactly? What nerfs? Not still assailant, I hope.
Sure strike hits like a limp noodle. Threatening rush has too much delay after marking a target, giving opponents an easy second to get out of sure strike range again. I can never even slot wicked strike because I have to keep TR for mark. When I do slot it, the damage is too low and the root affect everybody keeps…
SUNBURST is in fact bugged, and ignoring CC immunity such as GF shield block, and GWF sprint / unstoppable. Several people have posted this, nobody wants to respond, as per usual. Sunburst is NOT WAI, and it must be corrected ASAFP.
The only trash that has EVER been able to kill me was able to do so only when deliberately taking a full cycle from the rage drake circle-spin AoEs, and an occassional IBS dead-on mega crit from Golems in eSoT or eLoL. Both of those things are basic to dodge, sometimes I just choose not to in order to build determination…
I have reported the Sunburst bug in the Barracks and Temple class forums also. This bug is really bad and should be addressed ASAP. I'm being thrown from node while unstoppable, and by the time I get back on ground and into melee range, the whole thing has been wasted. It is also hitting TRs with ITC up, and ignoring GF…
Can someone reply to my post? Is sunburst supposed to be ignoring CC immunity as it is currently doing? And do you DCs really think that Gift of Faith is balanced for PvP?
Idk if it's supposed to be piercing dmg, but is certainly shouldn't be. All damage that ignores DR needs to be eliminated from the game. I have sacrificed 100% of my offense to solely stack DR mitigation. I'm getting worked over by the new DC pb, and the old HR one. If TRs have one now, I'm going to lose my head and flip…
Yeah...drop rate on these needs to be addressed, but I'm not confident it will. The only people that don't have a problem with them are the ones that open 100+ lockboxes per day, as I'm positive the overwhelming majority of blue marks on AH come from these sources, and not from actual game content. :( Having a good chance…
I main a purely deflect-based sentinel. I have a lot of fun in PvE, because there aren't many GFs in my guild (mostly cws, hrs, dcs), and they enjoy watching me try to get aggro somehow (it never happens). I used to have a lot of fun in PvP too. Used to. I would LOVE a taunt mechanic. Make Sentinel's threatening rush mark…
Hahahaha. Quoted for truth. I'm happy DCs got a large buff with mod5. However, I personally feel that Gift of Faith is toooooooo strong. It needs rebalancing. Is sunburst supposed to be CCing targets that are ITC, shield blocking, and unstoppable? That's my biggest concern. I'm getting tossed around like a rag doll in PvP…
This guy has it right. We need to force people to have rainbow parties. Bring some variety and spice back into the game. No more 5 CW or 4 CW 1 GWF/GF parties. Each party should be required to have a healer and tank, at the very least. TRs should be brought along to disarm traps. CWs should set up protective wards / summon…
You also receive 1 Linu's Favor for every 100 dragon coffers....so, 1,500 needed. Per artifact (?), not sure if its consumable or static. My guess is consumable. In that case you would need 3,000 coffers for just the artifact oh + neck. What a game.
I've done about 15 HEs over the last 2 days and have never gotten a coffer drop, even when I solo them and get great success. The dragons never drop coffers, for me. The only luck I've had is mindlessly running around this enormous map and killing every single thing I see...get about 1 coffer per 30 minutes that way. The…
? 5 seconds? I doubt you have ever been stunned that long by a gwf. Frontline surge is supposed to last 3 seconds, but with tenacity and control resist, and deflect, it never lasts more than 1.5 seconds. Against HRs and CWs it feels closer to 1.0 seconds. Please don't troll.
I myself have asked for this to be fixed many times. People have been reporting it since mod 1. How many moons is that? lewlsteel. You edit or delete my posts every single day, even when i'm careful to abide forum rules and have valid concerns. Have you no shame? Starting a stopwatch to see how long before you delete this…
I don't think the people at cryptic are bad people. They created a wonderful game. They are too understaffed though, and don't seem to be adept at maintaining a wonderful game. There is so little communication, if any at all, between the devs and the community. The live streams they've been doing lately area joke. They…
Ironzerg, I would like to compliment you on taking so much time, not only to create this thread but also to respond to as many posts as you have. It is clear to see that you care about the longevity of this game so that we can all keep logging in to enjoy the various things we enjoy about it. This "turn the enormous time…
I understand that devs have lists of things to get through, such as generating more and more zen content the likes of which we will see in m5. Btw, this bug is game-breaking for me, as is the lack of support and feedback from PWE.
It doesn't influence my game negatively? I'm about to leave just because staring at this bug for the past 3 months straight is driving me insane. This bug alone is ruining my play experience and the experience of many others. If this bug was not an issue the. There wouldn't be so many threads pleading for a fix.
This was a horrible game design. The only class I enjoy playing is my gwf because of the skill shots and high skill curve. High risk high reward( I don't use intimidation cheese ). Currently over 17k gearscore. People are giving me a hard time because I don't own the gwf artifact. That's because I'm forced to level…
PvP elixirs should be able to be purchased for glory (500-800 seems fair), and you should be prohibited from using other elixirs in PvP. You should be able to get a flawless sapphire, with a low chance for black opal every time you complete a dungeon during a dungeon delve. This alone would encourage high GS players to…
PB isn't getting a nerf, it's getting a fix that should have been implemented MONTHS AGO. Having to wait until mod5 for a bug fix on the most broken free passive damage spell in the game is ludicrous. We shouldn't have to wait for mod 5 to be able to have a plausible chance at defeating HRs 1v1. And then there's reds,…
It sounds like you're talking about sustained damage in PvE, in which case as long as you can generate adequate threat, you don't need to be dishing out lots of damage. In PvP, however, conqueror GFs at my gs (17k) or higher do much more burst damage in a single rotation than I do on my Sentinel PvP GWF. MUCH more (and I…
Someone needs to settle down. HR PB is not receiving a nerf of any kind, it's merely getting fixed. It was not working as intended. To my knowledge, PB damage won't change noticeably to any targets except GF and GWF. Your other opponents have low mitigation anyway. You seem to have some phobia about cws.
I also feel the same way. Fey Thistle never-ending combat stance ruin emotes for life bug, Glyphs, Piercing blade bug (confirmed by Gentleman Crush), LoL chest bugs (not sure if also bugged in sot), etc etc etc etc And today a brand new bug with Queues. This one is game-breaking, even knowing the work-around. Complete and…