Those who actually looked at the calendar can attest, the event is one week longer than it appears. They created the last week separately, so the event timer says the summer event is ending, but actually it is just kicking into high-gear. The "Height Of Summer Festival" is a continuation with increased rewards, and…
And has always been used to express the decimal place in mathematics. I know that's what I learned in my 7th grade American math class. We use it wrong a LOT, but it means decimal. It could ALSO be used to suggest addition, but I believe that would be informal. EDIT: That's why when you write a check you write it as "Yadda…
That's PW, isn't it? "Set it and forget it." All their best people are always building their next game and abandon the poor souls left to maintain things. On the US dates: It's so backwards that even our own military doesn't use it. They get DD-MM-YYYY, the rest of us get MM-DD-YYYY. So, it's not even internally consistent.
I like it a lot, but I'm not real good at it yet... What sort of rewards do you get for winning? And is there just one winner, or can you get stuff for second/third place? I'm thinking of getting the "bottomless" water attack items, but I'm wondering if they're worth it.