This is probably only happening to me and its something you have to buy from the cash shop or w/e but its rediculous that every peice of gear i gte and equip looks exactly the same as what i was already wearing.If this is " Working as Intended " then I guess i need to find me a different game. I really like alot of things…
When your in a dungeon and you suddenly get the aggro of 10 to 15 mobs and have no way of dropping that aggro then i would say that dungeon is in need of a good tank to pull all that threat. Almost every boss fight in the 5 man lvl 21 and up dungeon ( I forget the name ) has a but ton of adds and its hard to stasy alive…
i have been dying to get imnto the beta of this game ever since i heard about it last month. i would greatly appreciate the oppurtuity to try the game out before its actually out. i have been looking for a good mmo for so long now and this looks like it might finally do it for me. so please if you could help out an old mm…
i put y pc gamer key in back during the first beta but i never got any email confirmation on wether i was in or not other then the keylogger accepting my key. am i good to go or not?
yes you can unequip them but you would be gimping yourselfwhen it comnes to your dps or survivabilty if it was a cleric persay. imagine a %5 buff to your damage im sure you wouldnt just dismiss it. but like i said earlier these should only be used for soloing not group content.
from what ive read ther will be a wipe after every weekend event. I'm gonna try and track that down real quick and see where it was i saw it. i may be wrong.
you can get a pacgamer key for buyin the feb issue of the magazine (digital ed.). You can eve sign up for a sub and get a 14 day trial and cancel down the road if you like and it costs you nothing
These pets are great and all but full on npc like cleric and wizard pets? wtf? and i dont think you should be able to use pets at all in a party setting. In the videos they have up thers just to much on screen with a 5 man party and 5 pets as well(a couple of them being the npc pets). Pets should ONLY be for soloing.
Tbh i dont think anygame should be taking such large amounts of money for "pre-orders" when its not even in the open beta stage. Ther may not be a box price and the game is free to play but they are hyping the game up an awful lot with the press right now and really pushing these founders packs. I think its great to help…
The min requirements seem pretty low. maybe its time for an upgrade or you could go into the cards settings and set it to performance instead of letting the program decide.
LOL its ok i never win anyway so i wasnt getting any hopes up. But i still cant help but be a little jealous. I did get the PCGamer code but thats only for a mount i guess (i misunderstood and thought it was also for late beta access. like the 3rd weekend). Im mostly hanging around hoping for a last minute giveaway on one…
ya i got like 12 keys of dota2 i cant give away either. wich is sad cus it is alot of fun. it does have a very steep learning curve though. the community is the problem though. very imature.
Ya man i can second that one. I have been looking but i have not been able to find the actual launch date. Is ther one? If so when is it if someone could tell me.
ya i know what you mean i have been up most of the night just looking up info and trying to find a way doesnt bode well for when the game actually comes out.
i havnt wanted to play an mmo this bad in years.... seriously its killing me. im so broke >.< friggin children why dont they get jobs and support themselves!! lol J/K Have fun everyone who gets in. I hope its everything you expected and more. =)
I am really looking forward to this game. It has a dark feal to it that i just havnt seen in any of the other candya** games out right now. When it comes to a class choice its always tough for me on my first toon in a game but i'm really likin the great weopon fighter or trickster rogue. If i have to make one choice though…