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  • Okay, I always have to take issue with people playing the "gambling" card like this. By loose definition, the entire game is "gambling." In theory, you could play the game for a month and never get a drop, other than the ones that are hard-coded, such as specific equipment programmed to drop for specific encounters. No…
  • Caption: "Okay, who wants the last 'I fought the Nashers in Blacklake and all I got was this stupid t-shirt' t-shirt?"
  • I'm going to go out on a limb and guess... Um... Hrimnir?
  • This is still happening. I just lost my celestial coin even though I've been praying at least once every couple of hours since I logged on, and I still had 6 minutes on the timer from the last time I prayed. I hope that this is fixed before go-live, otherwise it will be hideously confusing to people why their coins keep…
  • Here's a complete list of emotes so far. I suspect that a lot more will be added before it's live. Admire Bye Countdown Facepalm Laugh Sleep YellAFK Charge Cry Facepalm_Double No Stretch YesAir_Guitar Checkgear Dance_Folk Fistbump Pick_Me TauntAlert Cheer Dance_Seductive Flip_Coin Point Taunt_BrodownBeckon Cheer_Happy…
    in Emotes Comment by tonyvz March 2013
  • Because this isn't obvious to everyone (like me...), here's how you can see a list of emotes. First, press the Alt key to release your cursor. Then click on the little chat balloon icon in the bottom left corner of your chat window. Select "Emotes," and you'll see a pick list of emotes you can do. Once you know some of the…
    in Emotes Comment by tonyvz March 2013
  • Human. I have a human warrior character that I mainly stuck to back from my PnP DnD days, so he'll be my first character at launch.
  • Man, and here I thought my dual 23" monitor setup was swanky. I keep the game running on the monitor in front of me, and on the other monitor I have things like Skype, a web browser, etc. running. I'm not sure what I'd do with three monitors, or even the game running on two monitors, but hey, if you have that setup, I…
  • There's a separate tab in the options for voice chat. You have to explicitly set it to use your headphones.
  • Couple of more notes. I was able to log out and log back in, and I'm still stuck at the top of the tower with no way out. I can't go back down the stairs, because there's now an invisible floor that keeps you from going back down. There's no exit from the top of the tower, I suspect that it appears after the mission…