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  • You have to get in the top 3 to get coins? Our team won, none of us saw coins. Our cleric, upon switching to the dungeon waiting area got an error and can no longer log back in on his character. Shortly thereafter we find another cleric and load into the dungeon. At that point I receive the same error. All it says when…
  • How do you pvp? You pretty much just hit decline now whenever your que pops. Really though, we can't pvp very well anymore since the patch. We've been seriously gimped. We can't kill melee classes now before they can close the gaps with us (if they're somewhat decent at least, if they're terrible and don't know their class…
  • I had some stupid GWF immune to my MM earlier. Pissed me off so much. On that note, how the heck are we supposed to kill GWF's now. I've only been able to kill the reeeeeaaaally bad ones. The ones that even remotely know how to play their class, I can't ever seem to win.
    in Immune? Comment by tkwan1 June 2013
  • Careful. After this last imbalance patch, PWE might be stupid enough to actually do something like this, further alienating people from pvp. Edit - Basically you'd get punished for winning and losing. No one would want to bother then.
  • Wait wait. The healing agro fix didn't work properly?
  • I'd rather stay in right now. It's 1 AM. Not much to do outside, though I might consider going to bed, not that that's any of your concern. Community consensus...you must have been attempting to read the forums with a blindfold on this last month if you havn't realized what the general opinion is. Or, you just selectively…
  • Shield so I can live slightly longer while I'm slowed/stunned. Fantastic. Repel so I can...hope the gap closers are on CD? Enfeeble was too strong, yes, but it was nerfed too hard just like DC's/Rogues. The only good slot is still going to be enfeeble. It's still our ONLY chance to kill someone before we get rolled over,…
  • What else can CW's do aside from enfeeble? Our only chance is to drop you before you drop us. That was possible pre-balance. Now we pretty much enfeeble and hope your gap-closers are on CD and you can't get back to us when we dodge. If you can, then we're just walking meatbags.
  • I feel that way about foundries too. 15 minutes, 4 times daily? An entire hour on 4k AD? Really? I could do plenty else in that time to get more than 4k AD....Or....I could even go outside and enjoy the weather, rather than run 4 boring repetitive foundries 4 times in a row. Yeah, I think I'd go outside. Sounds like a much…
  • Yep, you're not a ******bag at all. :rolleyes: Clerics jobs in pvp just got impossible. I run with guildies and the cleric just gets focused now. There's no way they can stay up. The AS nerf is bogus and shouldn't have been as extreme. I'm going to give this game a few days after launch. If I'm not impressed, then back to…
  • QFT. Seriously, sickness is annoying, so is waiting 5 minutes for a freaking injury in a party that is impatient.
  • This. I want to wait until some new testing is done before respec'ing.
  • This is slightly off topic of the OP, but I have to ask. When I got on, I only saw a respec button for the powers. The feat respec was not highlighted. Did we not get a feat respec with this as well?
  • That won't likely happen for a while.