Yes, in mod 6 CW are OP, because very high CC, many undodgeable attacks and imbalanced single-target damage + shield & storm spell. Ray of Frost == Ray of Death.
Yes, i have this problem too. Some tracert from cold Russia. Трассировка маршрута к [] с максимальным числом прыжков 30: 1 <1 мс <1 мс <1 мс LANTA [] 2 <1 мс <1 мс 1 ms 3 1 ms <1 мс <1 мс 4 <1 мс <1 мс <1 мс…
Over-nerf? You tried to play for the other classes? PvE, naturally. Feedback: Stormspell Damage is TOO HIGH. Damage should depend on the initial damage. Feedback: Shield Damage absorbtion is too high on extremely deadly attacks. Maybe, Shield will be eat flat amount?