It is definitely a well thought out AD earning FAQ. I applaud for your effort. Normally I only do the leadership, which is a fine AD generator :) To be more realistic, most of the time, a character will have 5 slots opened for most of the time. (3 slots from leveling Leadership to level 10, 1 slot from character to level…
Everyone can (almost) do that amount of crit with the right gear. The crucial difference is HOW. One class may have to debuff you several times, buff itself with several buffs, than have to aim carefully at close range to do that damage. Another class may just aim at target, cast a spell, and do the same damage. But don't…
As long as there is no exploiting, I do not see soloing an epic boss is a problem. Well, I am no dev, but since it is a core mechanic for a TR, anyone is allowed abuse it to the max (esp. since TR has been officially nerfed), as long as there is no exploiting done. Some players will be hostile to you since they cannot do…
Is there any dev actually looking at this trade issue?! There had been feedback about this issue for such a long time! One or two months after beta of no fixing is still ok, but it is more than six months since! The excuse "there are not enough dedicated manpower to fix bugs" can only hold water for so long.
I agree with the OP, but only if the game's (any game) devs are competent enough to know their own limits. As well, if the devs (again, any game) are competent, show enough passion and professionalism to the game, and have VERY good damage control, even if a fluke or a nerf happens, the forum writers will not make such a…
I'm sure it is a overlooked mistake, same as "that" incident. And I am sure Cryptic is efficient enough to change the purple stats to the correct one... in a day's time. It did happen to "that" incident, after 40 mins.
What? That box now grants tools and/or assets? I thought it is only up to blue resources. Is there really such a BIG buff to the box, and I mean BIG? edit : nvm, someone answered after I post.
Unfortunately, no. Choices: 1 - Do a quest in the Neverwinter Graveyard that grants a one-time free asset pack that has a chance to drop a tool. 2 - Wait patiently for a purple tool to be placed in AH, and expect to pay 7 digit AD for it. 3 - Buy the cheaper $3 Profession Pack, but lower chance. 4 - Buy the lower quality…
Not going to be a wet blanket, but if the company wants to change dramatically, the company would have change long ago. Cryptic did a one time "lower the zen purchase" for respecs token, dyes and some other stuff. You can browse back at all the suggestions made, especially anything concerning zen and the Neverwinter packs,…
I have a feeling that you have miss the massive flametrain that now stops at the f2p station, and stuck there. I may be wrong lol. Anyway, considering playing the game without spending any money first. If you like the game, you can either slowly purchase zen, then buy more useful stuff like mounts, which grants every…
...Your fact is as valid as those "bashers" who claim that the devs "conveniently" forget to fix the drop rate before putting it live, despite receiving ample bug reports, so a lot of keys are ready for opening. And, without a proper explanation except for the "You are lucky!" post, most players will just choose to believe…
Are you saying games just need to make one big update, have players play a few days or weeks, then ignore the game/players until the next bug update? Is this how games define "long term retention"? I despise players with game-hopping attitude. A lot of players want Neverwinter to succeed, including me, and want to play…
People moan at the "Nightmare Thursday" for a reason. If a game, any game, rubs the player the wrong way, the player will just uninstall the game, like what you had suggested. And yes, the two events had sure rubbed a lot of players the wrong way, without a proper explaination or corrective action. When someone has to use…
Cryptic could have just let the "new" drop rates carry on, and everyone will be happy with their Nightmare mounts. Taking it down and claiming its drop rate is too high already sublimely states it is not intented.
K, it is kind of true how the quest is setting the trap to lure immoral players. Like the store, it will be a laughing stock to consumers and competitors.
This is pathetic, shameless, griefing and plain rude. Doing so qualify the person into the 95% horrible players who is asking others to exploit. OP, just ask in zone chat for just one competent player. Save you your reputation, and if that player is not up to your standard, you can still kick him, though it will not…
Then it is a very bad way of giving away the nightmare mount, and a very choice of words on how they interpret the event as (Lucky players). It is not just a verbal indirect insult to legit gamers, but also in-game insult of legit players by rewarding those who got lucky (aka knew the bug beforehand) by giving away…
Look, I dun want to defend Cryptic, but saying an account got permaban for being non-American or non paying customer is just... too ridiculous. It would be more likely that a permaban is tied to how many time the player repeat the quests, as well as possible past abuse. Not particular singling anyone out, mind you. About…
Well, you can try to politely ask for leadership, and promise not to kick or such. If the odd player refuse, your team might want to drop group to save some grief. Else try to LFG in chat, since you only need one more PUG player to form a group. It wil be better for you in the long run to get someone you trust, of course.
Well, no one gives you an answer, so... Have you tried asking someone else in game, whether they have this issue too? Otherwise you can try replicate by doing the same thing ,though this time maybe just a few of the soup on one character. If it happens again you can report as a bug. Else, there is nothing much you can do…
I think you are missing the point which is on HOW THE DEVS HANDLE BOTH CASES. If the box is unintended, why there is no rollback? No rollback, ok, but still have to insult the legit players that those who get the mounts are considered "lucky". Had the devs managed this incident more appropriately, like "We will look into…