I don't think thats totally true. Like a good CW can kill a TR instantly if they get you out of stealth once. You don't even have the time to activate Impossible To Catch and Shadow Strike, they can kill a TR with one routine.
for me they work though... But they no longer drop the resonance stones etc, but they appear right in my inventory (but I think they wouldn't do if my inventory would be full). Have you checked if they may be straight in your inventory yet? I have three or four DH-Enchantments slotted and they work for me... Or are they…
I think everyone remembers the poor cat in the movie "Christmas Vacation" ^^' Her curiosity... well, her curiosity wasn't too healthy for her, the new christmas lights were way more dangerous than she assumed at first ;) Hope ya enjoy :P P.S.: I'm a cat lover, so no offense xD Source:…
Does this count? It's from a christmas movie after all! :D Kevin found a new way to defend himself :3 With the help of a little big friend ^-^ Source: Home Alone 1 (Christmas Movie) Screenshot taken from this .gif:…
The true Rise of Tiamat p.s.: did anyone else notice that the blue head looks like he wants cookies rly badly? photo source: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36200000/Frozen-image-frozen-36280043-1366-564.png
One crew, one captain. Don't know why, I just thought of this when I saw the image of Sgt. Knox at first :D Credits: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120402141136/pirates/images/9/95/Cursed_Crew_Underwater_March.jpg