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  • ^ This. Even then, $20 is a bit iffy with me. For $20, I could buy about 2 or 3 heroes on Marvel Heroes, and I've dumped over 500+ hours into that game of pure fun. You're really going to have to win me over with the Ranger if I'm going to be spending money, especially since every facet of the game seems battered to death…
  • Thanks for the clarification, folks. Seems like you go from gear grinding to gem/rune grinding. Doesn't seem too tedious, but we'll see.
  • Actually, the cap was put in because people were creating glitches where Mobs couldn't fight back. Rather than punish the creators and people that were playing them over and over, they were punishing players for playing them, to the point that Foundries became absolute jack <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for gaming. I…
  • 1: I have a Level 60 character already. The content just isn't that fun in between, as it's the same bland run over here and kill these 3 mobs, or collect these items off dead mobs, or kill this boss quest. I'd be different if there were several different modes where you could level up, but you can't. I'd rather just cut…
  • The increased EXP and Rewards is meant to show that they were tooting the Foundry as a great place for getting EXP and gear...
  • "Once a level is published, it must be peer-moderated by five community volunteers. After they've signed off, it's released to the rest of the player base who can review the level after playing it, ensuring that good levels get promoted, and bad levels get buried. Cryptic, too, can highlight its favorite levels on the…
  • I want to use the UGC as a way to quickly kill enemies and do quests and level up faster than the content that they put out, because their content is, for all intents and purposes, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. In fact, one of the big selling points for the game was to allow people to foundry like crazy and do…
  • Actually, Ambisinisterr, June was a 30 day month, and July was a 31 day month, so if we're getting absolutely technical, 30 days would have been the 19th, since the game "launched" officially on the 20th of June.
  • It's not about "being impatient". It's about holding the frelling company to it's words. I personally waited through their frelling Open Beta period, then got kicked down by them saying it wasn't "Launch". So I waited another 2 frelling months, and lo and behold, they're still holding out on the Drow. It's about trust,…
  • Well done Cryptic. You hyped us up about the new races, the new companions, all the content coming... AND HALF OF IT'S LOCKED BEHIND A $60 PAY WALL! Thankfully, I learned my lesson about you people when you delayed the Drow for 2 frelling extra months, and I've stopped playing this game, instead returning to RIFT. For $25,…
  • They made it look like it was going to be 60 days after launch (IE, when head start came about), but then they added 2 more months, likely so that Heroes could rub it in everyone's faces even more. Frankly, I've only played 1 game of Gauntlgrym and the Dumngeon raid for it since the game came out. I have, however, given $5…
  • And we're proud you have the disposable income. All of us do not, however. DCUO has this feature, and before it became "pay us to progress in the game at all with reset tokens", it was one of the best F2P games on the market. Personally, I'm getting tired of the "But they're a BUSINESS!" bullcrap people keep crying about.…
  • Indeed, there's a reason why Fire Giants are more terrifying than the majority of the bosses I've encountered. If we're going to have an action game with RPG elements, it would be pretty awesome to have bosses feel like actual legendary beings, rather than being some minion master with 2 or 3 moves so you don't worry too…
  • You kind of prove several of our points with that. You got your gear and earned everything you wanted. There was literally nothing to do after that. With a BoE system, you can keep running those instances, which means fully geared, knowledgeable people will play with newbies, which means that people will get their gear…
  • LIEK OMG SINCE IT'S FREE TO PLAY THEY CAN ABUSE THEIR CUSTOMERS HOWEVER THEY WANT AND IT'S TOTALLY OK CAUSE IT'S FREE! Or you could stop being a white knight and excusing them just because the entry level of the game costs nothing. We've had roll backs, a broken economy because of exploits that existed for weeks, and…
  • They're starting the count down today. A great big middle finger from the company incapable of fixing bugs, keeping a sturdy economy, or not breaking half the classes with each patch. They literally called it "Open Beta" so they could pull this. So enjoy that 4 months of no Drow. You just got doublescrewed.
  • To be honest, I was really hoping we'd get some sort of bestial race, like Wererats. Genasi and Dragonborn were also supposedly in the works. Yet we're getting new Elves. Oh ******* joyous rapture.
  • Don't pull that "This is the first day of Launch" deal on me. It was 60 days from when the Pack holders got their packs so they could feel special, even though it was announced as a launch race. That's the announcement I heard, and that's the plan I'm anticipating, IE: Drow next week somewhere around the 27th.
  • I'm fairly certain it was stated 60 days after the start of open beta it'd be there for everyone.
  • People who don't like PvP aren't going to PvP. They'll head to PvE. Punishing people for playing PvP but not having good gear to buy means less people will be doing it. I really believe that both gear sets should be equal to one another, that way you can gear up ib PvP for PvE, or vice versa. You don't have to drag your…
  • I'm sorry, but I like the current open, free system that we have. It's just like Diablo 3 and PSO, where you can buy anything that's high level. The thing is, you're still doing all the hard work to get the gear by saving up your money to buy it. Money has always presented time: You work in real life, you put in time for…
  • I liked the idea of people being able to play the fighting game or the market game, rather than it just being a fighting game. When I got to end game, I bought some of my gear from the AH. I had built up a lot of AD just playing the game. I ended up with half a set of arena gear, and played for the rest of it. Now I can do…
  • Goodness. So much screaming and whining and crying about how it's not fair they're not getting compensation. If I buy a game literally a day before a sale on Steam, Steam is not going to give me my money back for it, or the difference. You had to have the items in the shop. You had to have them NOW. I really wouldn't…
  • How the hell is that supposed to hurt them, or show them that this was a bad idea? You're still buying Zen... just in another game. It seems like they win no matter what you do. Also, this is... so frelling stupid. I'm seeing now that they released a half finished game on purpose, so they could charge massive rates for…
  • They're too busy creating more content that they can charge us for, new companions for the Zen Market (and the books, which will probably cost Zen too), and too busy killing the good parts of their game so they can focus on the best way to make money. IE, shuttering EXPing in the foundry after killing 2 mobs so your forced…
  • ... Improvements to the foundry? Bull. ****. You killed the Foundry dead because you and your team can't code AI worth a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. You're lazy to fix the actual exploit, and instead nerfed EXP gained within a certain time frame. No one wants to run foundries anymore except for dailies, when used…
  • Feast of the Moon Reign of Misrule
  • Erm... the pack looks nice and all. But honestly, I was hoping you'd unlock the Drow for everyone a month early. Given the fact we've been through massive foundry nerfs (to the point it's actually a bad thing to play foundry missions now, since EXP and loot tanks hard), the constanty barrage of maintenance, ignoring…
  • I'm seeing how I worded that now. I meant changing the limiter as in people thinking that the limiter is even needed and will fix it, and that changing it around will somehow cause it to work out, when the AI is the cause of all these problems. The limiter just breaks the thing, or punishes speedy players. I've changed it…