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  • Except PSO2 is Japan only and so far has no plans to come west. That said, I wouldn't say it's the measuring stick because they are quite honestly two pretty different games. They are both "action-y" and both are RPGs and such; but they really are quite different in tone, style, approach, setting, etc. That said, I was/am…
  • I don't know, the forum seems to be pretty standard so I'm sure where all this attention is needed. But I will agree the one thing that DOES need to fixed is the dev tracker. That mess needs to get ironed out ASAP because it's pretty much the sole reason for me coming and checking up on the forums to see what the devs had…
  • As far as I can tell PWE has some pretty insane lock-down or something on their asian side of things. All I can imagine is some kind of political or race-related-segregation-something going on. It's pretty bogus all things considered, but your only choice will probably end up being having to VPN into the servers if you…
  • He got asked a question on twitter and responded on twitter. Anything but uncommon. He didn't leak any news we didn't already know so there was no reason to post to the forums. If you want PR that DOES abuse their forum users and keep them utterly in the dark while releasing all sorts of info on facebook and twitter look…
  • The thing is any information they leak now loses their steam for E3. Either they hold up and go for the "wow" factor for E3 or start releasing info before hand and detracting from whatever they wanted to do for E3. Just saying, there's always another side of the coin.
  • Well the dev tracker isn't working right now. Hasn't since they switched the site over actually. As far as news goes, I suppose at worst we'll have to wait until E3. Would be nice if we got a few teases beforehand though, but most likely we won't see more reveals until E3.
  • I would love to see it back working.
  • I vaguely remember a post of the sort, but like I said it didn't give any indication of being 'ready to launch' and 'up for review' as stated before. It was more along the lines of "customers today don't want a broken mess of a game to beta test. The experience needs to be far enough along to be enjoyable but we still…
  • And people like you are the exact reason "almost every MMO devs and publishers do nowadays". Because kids get into betas expecting it to be a fully finished product and at the first sign of trouble or a bug they go onto all the forums and game sites and whine about how broke the game is and how the developers aren't fixing…
  • I don't think the devs have said anywhere that the game is "already ready" and all they want is to "stress test" and get a "bit of foundry feedback". It is NOT an early access to the games features for the reviews and I'm not sure were you are getting all these absurd ideas and passing them off as truths. Yes they had a…
  • Depends on what's your cup of tea. I'd say it's the best RPG that's been out in years. That said, it is a hard game (well hard for normal gamers). I like a good challenge so I played it on the hardest game mode (well second to hardest. The very hardest is a perma-death mode) and definitely found it to be challenging; even…