Random is random. 50 keys, no pet or mount. But lots of Leadership drops. So much so that with 6 profession slots open, they all get a blue and green man at arms in the manpower slots. Didn't have to combine anything. One alt got a purple drop profession asset as well. @Ambisinister...combined runs of a certain dungeon in…
This is an excellent idea and a bad idea. Excellent as it would provide a use for useless greens/blues. Bad as the materials that came from an item that would generate gold will now be able to generate AD which can be traded for zen...a farmers paradise.
Edit my answer to get rid of all the stupid in it...Oh look...there's no post left... See all replies below for the right way to do it, if you need me, I'll be in my hole.
Going strong and still recruiting. Added about 12 members since launch, with more conversations happening almost everyday. Any questions, chat up here or an officer in game.
If you /ignore him will it prevent him from showing up in your group again? Adding a penalty is a good thing. While stuff happens (casual with kids so I know) the majority of leavers I've encountered over the years are because of impatient idiots who want a speed run... You want to run it fast, then /lfg or premade guild…
I hope the nerfs were not based on PVP feed back...last I checked this is a PVE game with a PVP component. (mind you I enjoy PVP, just hate when one ruins the other) +1 to the need item fix +1 to everything else -1 where is mah ranger...!!!!?????
If you PUG, you will get this. I agree it sucks, but it's within the loot rules as PWE set them up. Best bet is find a decent guild and try and do guild groups only.
This is good information. In the past, if I want to make money in an MMO economy, I'd work the auction house. If I needed fast coin for something, WTS X, 10% less than AH usually got me my money pretty quick. Having people "make offer" is a way to either bait people into buying for to high or establishing a perceived…
1. Gnome, meh rest 2. 50/30/20 PVE/foundry/PVP 3. Guild features are very important, first guild level system, then guild keep/halls system 4. Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Ranger, Paladin, Bard 5. Level scaling system, including access to zone skirmishes I out leveled 6. Any gear…
You have your proof, but you will have no way to provide that proof to the community as a whole. And seeing as the game loot design allows this, ninja looting to you is using a game mechanic to the supposed ninja looter. (not that I agree with the current system, but it's the ruleset we are dealing with) Your best bet is…
restoring from virus vault and disabling protection for 10 mins worked. In game now. Submitted false positive. OOC, anyone know how many negatives it takes to enable file protection in Avast? <dons tinfoil hat>
Well, if it's a Ranger, then my main becomes my primary alt and my alts will likely be forever ignored...if it's not a Ranger then it's business as usual.