OK imma be clear cuz apparently not mentioning certain stuff oppens if for you to outthink what i'm saying with 140k power and full arpem ICEKNIFE does inconsistent damage sometimes low sometimes high .. crit or not crit. Not mentioning buffs cuz some cant be replied with other class (or alts in this particular case cuz…
according to game tootlips every dot that can crit should procc smolder with critical conflagration. in case of RoF some players (non wizard) were complainning it procced smolder like 7 times... to which i always replay it should procc once for ever chill stack till 6 stacks are reached. and then once for every crit. So in…
as the title says... we beat lomm after todays patch (29/08/2019) and guess what?? trobrian died and no reward no chests no req rAD ... old patches didnt even touch lomm then why is lomm broken?
Arcanist is good vs bosses imo .. but the real problem of arcanist is that he only has 3 good/decent encounters being: " desintegrate - repel - steal time" entanglin and RoE do dot damage and i guess it overwrittes itself when casted on rapid fire (for daily arcane empowered) the other spells either do so little damage or…
I use Spoiled aprentice cuz orcus set sounds so unrewarding also nobody has given to me the numeric proof of porkus being superior all i hear is the "you should use orcus set you'll do more damage" all repeating by different lemmings. so in the long run i started despicing orcus set for that reason. PS: players who beat me…
Even with the dummies in the stronghold different classes with less damage and slightly less magnitude do more raw damage(mowdown without feat and paladin daliy that i cant remeber name of) than ice knife with the stats described above... (140k power 1400mag)
this seems to be so inconsistent. today i was doing a lomm with some dudes. and i critted ice knife (380k) and then critted repel (200k) lets say that the damage was doubled but if you double the magnitude of repel you get 950magnitud and ice knife has 1400mag. so numbers still dont add up.
all the people agreeing with the original posters are not seing the big picture just like the original poster. it's not about the enchants (i mean some players would be salty about that.) it's not about the Lifesteal and Recovery being removed, but it's about having such huge changes to the worst. i'll have my CW as…
i have many comments to agree with but i want to rant aswell :) turns out ReQ is not just the problem i've got several inexperience players during mi RaQ (msp/fbi) that consists on straight up dying without asking about mechanics (HAMSTER move) cuz i dont care if i have to explain, i was a newb once. after the first wipe…
i've sumbitted a ticket for this problem in the hope that they might help in some way but i'm almost 4 days off the game cuz after the maintenance the game has been unplayable... every action leads to a disconection and sometimes the game doesnt even make it to conection (yes my internet conection is fine i've checked a…
The real problem is that most of the players that go into RaQ are way undergeared since getting to 11k or or even to 13k is fairly easy now players expect everything to be easy and in result are a bunch of whinners that leave FBI or MSP because they didn't get Edemo cuz its easy... Because 11k in the past required to have…
i reached the 100k rp with no big problems... yes it reset when i was at 13k but i managed to grind it out. the problem is: that is wednesday and it still has not awarded me the 100k milestone bonus.