I have an embarrassing feeling that i meant a Rhemorraz when i said Behir... Clearly i shouldve thumbed through my monster manual before posting instead of relying on 20-30 year old memories :)
i was considering a similar request, always good to know others think alike Im not such a fan of the "Refresh" button idea, though i dont oppose it I'd prefer a "favourite" task list, doesnt have to be huge, say store your 5 or 6 favourites, and these would appear immediately underneath the Rare Task list Shouldnt need…
I would just like you to promise not to add any stupid stuff We dont want or need super-hero costumes, nor james bond tuxedos, nor french maid outfits or swimsuits etc Keep any additions in-keeping with the setting/time/genre and youll be making most of us happy I guess my vote really goes to "simple", as most of the…
It really is up to you - not what you want to hear i know, but its like one of us advising you which colour shirt to wear today If it helps in your decision making though, i upgraded my allure to epic, and the 7% becomes 10% If the regen of the radiance is tempting just use a Youth item in the neck, ring or icon slot…
Id love to see currency farmers, sellers AND buyers all purged from all games too But wouldnt removing gold trading completely destroy a lot of legit trade too? I must be the only person who hasnt yet figured our how to turn gold into diamonds anyway I got a stack of gold that is "useless" to me, and stacks of things to…
My cat dies all the **** time Wish id known that before blowing all those diamonds on it And yes its a fugly HAMSTER, cant blame the devs for that, maybe theyve never been outside or seen a real cat, and i guess they also dont have the internet... wait wut Consequently i prefer the ioun stone (actually i prefer my dire…
All the red-eyed Moon Elves died out during the Spellplague The same genetic markers that gave them red eyes also led to a vulnerability in their immune system regarding the spellplague Source: wwwdontbelieveaword.com/all_lies/untrue
Quite an over-simplification How many single player games have such gear advancement? How many have an active auction house? (Not just for buying youre uber gearz, but also for the mini-game of making diamonds/money) What is the point of money (or any reward) in a single player game? Though many of us wont like to admit…
Guess the question does remain why do people jump in and "save me" when ive 90% killed something and didnt want or require their help, but i may as well be asking what my granddaughter asked me the other day "why does evil exist?" (The answer is the same to both questions btw, "because people are HAMSTER") When i see…
Thanks guys, so glad i asked that, it never crossed my mind to dye the actual gear piece, i'd assumed the dye would be on the skin, and therefore transfer with the skin great shame, great game, but some of us are going to be stuck playing toons we hate the look of, yeah thats good business, it will keeeep us playing for…
I think if we are to pay the current costs then the desired appearance item should become a fashion item Of course they cant do this because Armour comes in Arms, Feet, Head, Neck and Torso, whereas Fashion comes in Head, Top and Bottoms - Which IMHO is a massive oversight from the start (especially as i love the boots…
Curious Im still fairly new here, where the heck do people get info like the above post? Ive yet to find a Roadmap forum, or proposed updates list or anything at all to say that they even plan any future updates So someone please point me there, ty, would save me making a lot of "what are we getting next" type posts (sorry…
You want to buy with Zen right? And im sure you know the Lillend isnt for sale in zen store But, you can use Zen to buy AD, and use the AD to buy a Lillend frrom the AH (or a player selling thru trade chat) Saw someone selling one last night for 1.3 mil AD (i think) which is closer to $40+ ($ not my native currency so may…
I can only offer my experience, which though limited is relevant Im still pretty new, though i have recently hit 60 and started the Sharandar and Dread Ring I bought the pack that comes with the wolf pet, and though i do use it, i often revert to my cleric So while i was still unsure of what was or was not a good…
Just wanted to add more thanks And say - Ah yes ioun stones, i did know all about ioun stones and the cat, as i said there are many things i DO know, but many gaps too, and one such gaps was you saying "stone", that lack of "ioun" made me wonder if it was something else, like for example a nickname/realname for some uber…
What kind of stone? What is a stone? (in this context) How do i not know what a stone is when i know what a HV set is, a Vorpal ench is, heck until your post mentioning GS (which took some googling) i didnt even know what a gear score was, or that they are meant anything other than for settling pissing contests like…
(Note - this post got looong - my apologies Ive tried to summarize it in an analogy at the bottom for the TLDR types, but without the explanations that ive detailed before im not sure how much sense it will make. My advice is NOT to reply if you cant be bothered to read it all, but its up to you) Was going to let this…
Thanks again guys, you all been a great help "Maybe you should learn the game first though." Yup thats the plan, i can play it fine, i just missed out on my usual FAQ cram session before playing, i guess it just downloaded too fast to give me chance, and since then ive been too busy playing :) The main thing was learning…
Thanks for the good advice folks, least now i know my options Quite a few of you missed that i dont really do dungeons, but do want to start pvp, which im no doubt seriously under-geared for Also all those abbreviations mean nothing to me, as i said im still new enougfh that i havent learned the jargon Ive really just…