Every time I see one of those things jiggling by, I keep thinking "Oh God, help him! He's being eaten by his mount.." Now, if a genetically modified jello is instead secreting oxygen rich fluids to his victi- uh... rider... then, how do you feed that thing? It can't digest anymore. Do you come home one day and find a…
For the original topic, regardless of the drops, they didn't seem to be all the same. I would get a +1 reflex sight, and the group tank got a +3 rising defense. This went on for a week. We have indeed held off on Tiamat because of gear score. Just because you can queue doesn't mean the rest of the party agrees you have met…
Thanks for the info. I'm still very noobish about how the game works, so every bit helps. Free queue is awesome... Well, still gated by the production of keys. I have not yet done the Tiamat fight, as I only just squeaked up to 2600gs this morning. I got the survivors wraps this morning as well, in gold normal demo. I am…
Thanks.... Wait... I only get one good one? So.. No chance of the RNG goddess smiling on me for a legendary lockbox mount then? But still, the chances are not better for a gold vs silver, or epic vs normal?
I haven't been doing Demogorgon long, so I had a related question that I guess you all kinda answered, which is regarding eDemo loot, and if it was better. It seems to be random, no matter what. EDemo or regular, it's a coin toss what you get. I ground out several normal Demo gold runs without seeing more than +1 rings.…
If you leveled it up past epic I think. At epic, it no longer accepted winter festival refinements, and wanted regular ones. In spite of what the description said :pensive: The uncommon version still only takes lights and lumens.
... Or at least some health stones. This has cost me a few. Has anyone checked if it's working yet? Seriously, this morning I was in Chapter 4 for the Underdark with my lvl 60 CW feeling my way through the map (frozen mimics, BTW, make poor seeing eye dogs) . I thought I was gonna finagle my way through, like I did in…
I made it through Underwing, blind as a bat, hugged the left wall and ran for the Phantasmal Fortress. The whole time, my eyes are glued to the minimap, and the pedal is down on my mount. I got dismounted at the end, warlock-dashed the last distance, and had to kill what I aggroed in the doorway by AOEing it to death. Once…