Yes, I posted too soon in my excitement. The whole beta category just appeared out of nowhere, not just the foreign boards. I didn't have access earlier.
And on that note, I'll point to <Drunken Sorcery> which is basically the opposite of everything you just said.:rolleyes: We're pretty hardcore about being softcore.
Thank you for the interest! Regarding timezone, usually it boils down to a bunch of players from US west coast and NZ/AUS. This spread gives the guild a pretty good level of activity at most times (provided we have the numbers to support it) However we've never been good for the Europeans. Behold, a pretty terrible…
I'd have to agree with too little available abilities. TotalBiscuit did a wonderful WTF (on youtube) and one of the devs claims they went that way because in most cases even if you have several massive hotbars you only end up using the same set of a handful of skills. If this is their real reasoning, why not give people…