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  • Laggy in Wildspace. It was fine before the patch this morning.
  • Hello :) Have you found a guild yet? We have a very active alliance, and an active guild.
  • The Adventurer Shards quests should reward more AS. It should be at least double, but honestly, it should be higher than that. We have an amazing guild, with a fair number of people who grind the hell out of multiple toons, and it really makes you want to give up, grinding and grinding and grinding, because that grind for…
  • All fashion should come back. Period. There is a decided lack of actual fashion in this game that anyone would want to wear. We need more fashion. In fact, if you guys held a contest, let people design fashion, and awarded sets of that fashion to everyone who won, then put it on the zen market for a few dollars -- not 50…
  • Mine vary. I have 13. If you render the chest at the end of an RTQ or RDQ useless because the grind for the key on top of the grind for everything else a "non-elite" player is grinding for takes priority, it really doesn't matter what the loot table is. And the drop rate for stuff in this game is not even just idling at…
  • Well, there wasn't enough time to do everything that needed done with the week being overloaded with events that needed to be done. Maintenance for six hours on the last day is really just icing on the too large cake. Seriously, you couldn't wait until after this over-stuffed week to do a maintenance?
  • I'm not quoting everything. :grin: The chests at the end are supposed to be incentive to run the queues. When you start rendering your incentives pointless and irrelevant, you start having a problem. Some people actually want those chests -- after all, it's the latest content. In theory.. the best rewards are in these…
  • It probably does not fall under "false advertising" but there is definitely an element of inaccuracy involved. I realize you have to do the disclaimer, but I feel that any reasonable person seeing a display of a product in game or real life, is going to expect the product to be consistent with the display. Another point --…
  • Exactly. I still feel like the cost of the master keys is too high, but it's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to grind that much for a key for randoms. Randoms really should just all be skeletons for the "key" chest.
  • No, there's one free, and one that costs a campaign key or a skeleton. Exactly, point well made. The currency is not well thought out. And forcing people to run endless content in a specific zone when *all* the latest zones require massive farming to get keys, reduces the amount of people who are actually around the other…
  • Well, I said RTQ, but it's also RDQ, because ToS requires the campaign key as well - CoK, Gzemnid's, and ToS. But the overall cost of the keys, and the subsequent relentless drive to get enough currency for one campaign, let alone keys for three campaigns, makes me completely unwilling to even try to get them. I assume the…
  • This is either coming back, or it has never been fixed. Not sure which it is, but it's been happening recently. Over 800 rerolls, and it's still forcing me to reroll with AD. Also, but separate issue, I can't use my account bound reroll tokens. They sit in my inventory, and won't register when I attempt to reroll, and I…