This game is getting worse and worse for CW's. They started out okay and have been smashed time and time again. It seems that the chilling cloud crows are happy their little pile wont get spread by shield. That seems to be a very selfish view considering the majority of players used shield. Renegades nerfed/broken, ROE…
completetly uncalled for. Your happy another spec got nerfed to make yours more viable. Good one I think seeing you call yourself a champion of the class.
I don't see the problem. The TR was the easiest class to play. I PVP hit stealth then lashing blade COS spam or just stealth COS spam. Maybe just shoot for a perma stealth build to troll Dc's and CWs and while annoying others. Now you guys have to learn to play. Its not hard its what you told all the other classes to do.…