Add in some big powerful near world boss monsters into this event, to go along with all of the far easy to take down adds. Something with an instant knockback or stun when it appears and gives time for more adds to be summoned. Make the big guy strong enough that it would take a few groups to take him down and still make…
$10.00 on a game card, likely another $20.00 for the new game card on payday. I'll hold off after that until the official launch and some new classes/races come out.
It's not the renegade drow that's being released, that's still unique to HOTN. Just your normal drow elf. No one was ripped off in any way shape or form.
Some of them do need to come down. Mounts should be around $20-$25 ,companions are fine from what I've seen. Need many more items to choose from, cosmetic,weapons, armor,dyes,etc.