I love to go to pvp and wait for a good gank 1 shot then run away wait for the refresh come in for another 1 shot rinse and repeat so much fun.... I just play some good music and go to town best so far is 40 kills 5 deaths most of which was 1 shot or 2 shots :) highest hit around 79k
Hey man I'm interested 60 TR (Kazmac) 12k gear score I usually do both PVP/Dungeons T2 and castle never. My buddy is a 60 cleric we are both very active players.
Guess ill start putting up screen shots....sigh* How ever I'm never below number 1 on any dungeon I've every ran at 60 couple mill above any control wizard or any other DPS class for that matter. Average is 15 mill don't worry screen shots will follow and 80k was my highest before I have no T2 armor either just FYI...but…
YOU CANNOT USE ACT ON THE CONSOLE AND WE ALL KNOW WHAT DPS IS...GEEZ CMON I just wanted to see what rogues were pushing out damage wise at end of a dungeon run...and all this HAMSTER about what if some one died? well my answer is simple DONT DIE...lol I mean wtf is the difference if you die? it still affects your "DPS"…
Hey guys, me and a friend are down to join I'm a 60 TR looking to do some end game stuff with a group of quality people. GT= madmatty00 Whats name of the guild?