it might have had 2 million in starting months. i don't think they have that many players now. more like 2 million accounts and from those accounts, as some of previous players wrote, most are multiple one-player accounts, bots, waiting-for-more-content accounts. i still believe this game is fun and will play it again…
players playing GWFs learned how to play their class when they were underdogs. players playing TRs "learned" how to play them as topdog thus when you make topdog a bit more onpar with other classes they have to learn again or whine like babies.
if it constantly happens at precise hour there might be problem with your ISP or your computer. it does not happen to me. you must understand that you are logging to game server through several nodes in web. it might be possible that some nodes are having updates set on that precise hour thus your lagging.
btw you get more Glory points for having higher score. so there is your reason for spawn camp. it just bugs me that some classes are able to do it while others are not.
the one thing that bothers me greatly is that players are very unimaginative when it comes to picking names for their toons. everyone picks names from books, tv, ... instead of creating their own name. May all-father guard you steps. "Svegurok Bloodbeard"
unstoppable gets bugged when you use it at same time as you are getting hard CCed (prone, stun, ...). to get it unstuck you need to wait until your unstoppable bar is emptied and you are out of combat.
you get this bug when you are hit with hard CC (prone, stun, ...) at same time as you hit unstoppable. to get it fixed you need to wait until your unstoppable bar is emptied and you are out of combat.
if you have 2 wizards with HV sets they do stack it make whole group do exceptional dmg. If both wizards use steal time at same time. damage on boss goes up to unbelievable numbers. i critted with indomitable(gwf) for over 55k on one mob. so 2 high vizier wizards are much better than 2 shadow weaver wizards or 1 and 1.
Basic Alchemical Knowledge Scrolls are only gathered through Experimentation. You can't buy them anywhere and you can't discard them either. Each level of Alchemy has its own Experimentation Task. There is only chance to get this item it is not 100%.
love my GWF. we should fill AoE tank role. but having 15 adds on me and not being able to kill them fast equals instant-death. so we should do by far the most AoE dmg of all classes.
i find it very frustrating to play GWF even though i love the class. i am taken into CN for 2 purposes only. debuffing boss and occasionally resurrecting someone imho that is not enough.
i've seen GWF in full T2 + Ancient weapon set doing less damage than me with T1/T2 and drake sword. he even got instigator spec and i am destroyer. he should do more AoE damage than me by far but he did not. so there are some useless players. but generally GWF is weakest class in game now. don't know after patch did not…
I am long time player of D&D or similar tabletop games and I do like good stories. BUT with big letters. At each end of the story we got to progress our character equipment-wise, lore-wise or story-wise. Which was essential for next D&D session. In foundries you get absolutely nothing apart from measly 4k AD for doing 4 of…
i find it funny that people misunderstand words probability and statistics. your numbers are just your statistics and very low i would say cause in world of statistics we are talking about billions not tens. if you open about 10000 nodes and you will still have such big portion of broken kits then we could talk about a…
no other class has that big debuff as GWF does and at same time such big AoE dmg. i play GWF and i do like. problem is that people in general are like cattle they go where the rest goes thus when there is prevailing thought that GWF sux everyone will eventually think that GWF sux. even i think that we could be buffed a…
i would like to see buff to GWF AoE like a flat 10-15 % would be fine. dont nerf TR. its suppose to be single target burner. maybe just nerf TRs ulti-one-shotter in PvP by making it not ignore every defense mitigation.