Ok let's be realistic here then .. Mod 4: GF 70k HP GWF 60k HP CW 50k HP HR 50-60k HP DC: 60k HP TR: We need to be rolled back to Open Beta effectiveness or this class is toast. That simple.
He's not in the top 1 % 1712 Kills 1616 Deaths All pug matches. Breaking even vs Pugs is not top 1 %...Not trying to be cruel, just stating the obvious. Being page 26 with this however is an accomplishment, good job. Ignore this poster ^^^ He is just mad I HAMSTER on him with Svetlana so bad ... he quit the game
Its old news to anybody who has been playing since last year. But with changes leading up to Tenacity and other changes, Tene's fell out of favor awhile back. to maintain what little DPS we have right now though, we are exploring old and new things.
Flaming is NOT a viable replacement for bile... Some of us are working on New Builds... But we wont have anything Live until we see what we get to work with. Dark times ahead... Edit: to the poster above me, Lifedrinker reveals your position in stealth. actually let me Make a few points about your post. 1. Node holding…
Maybe you missed the part where I said they do too much damage. You cannot have your cake and eat it too, but deny that same right to other classes. CW's came out the heaviest against TR's for having stealth And damage.... now they only have stealth... Well, CW's cannot expect to have Control And Damage. Somethings got to…
Seeing how I actually know who Larloch The Last, The Simbul, Aumvor the Undying, etc..etc... is as 95 % of this game does not ( very little of the player base here has ever picked up a PHB or DMG ) I have a inkling of knowing what I am talking about and with that sentence I quoted from you above. You do not. Im not going…
Feedback: Thank you for making them a Actual Control class, now reduce their damage and let them be the way they was ment to, as they are on Tabletop...
Ok before I agreed with you, but here I wont... I just played my CW for 4 days in a row to finish her profound set...CW by far is not the weakest or one of the weakest. CW puts out massive damage on live. First we need to set a rule here.... CW = Control Wizard.... Keyword CONTROL Any CW that wants DPS, roll a Warlock. You…
Double / Triple thorn ward is still there. WM is still keeping HR survivability very high... Your DPS has not suffered very much at all.... Of course your going to attempt to sidetrack, justify then derail any attention to HR as you play one. The class is stupid game breaking ****ing OP and it needs to be nerfed into…
Just stop... please...seriously. HR's and GWF's are easily 5x worse than TR's right now. Your really pissing alot of people off with this right now. leave the ****ing class alone already and stop kicking it while it's down. TR class is dead. Your a CW ( with only 22k hp ), you shouldnt be fighting TR's anyway.....
Yeah no need to bring up the TR because they got done raw with a strap on in Mod 4.... CW = CONTROL wizard...not DPS wizard... If you didnt understand that going into this game then the only things to blame here is your own choices.
I would not be unhappy if the Leaderboard was removed all together and in it's place a mix of the following suggestions... * A Window with a Chat Lobby where People can set up teams to fight other specific teams. * PvP by Gear score brackets * A better fuctioning ELO WITH Matchmaking system * Ranked - Unranked Matches (…
Seeing how Tabletop D&D is open to the DM's creativity. Rogue walks into Sage shop and drops 5,000 gold on the counter. Rogue says, I would like the following things cast on me in specific order* Improved Invisibility * Contingency * Permanency ^ 100 % perma Rogue…
HR Nerfs ? PFFFT..we learned our lesson from so called PW Nerf squads. They can't Balance their checkbooks let alone classes. HR / GWF / GF / CW / SW All will be fine... Well built DC's will still be fine.... TR is a dead class. Sad thing is, there is enough blame to go around to everyone. * No TR's are sticking up for…