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  • what sucks is that it is Friday afternoon and not a peep today about this - the last devs mentioned this issue was yesterday before the evening emergency patch, with all the old threads being locked as this issue was going to be fixed. If not addressed/fixed soon we will have a whole weekend of not being able to…
  • You actually have it wrong. Gauntlgrym has two factions, one of which has very few players compared to the other. The small faction can queue and get in, while the other faction lets the first 20 in to the match. All the extra players on that faction that queued have no opponents left to face so wait in the queue until the…
  • Yea today I waited over 30 minutes to get into a pvp match during the bonus glory hour. We won, I requeued, finished all my dailies waiting, watched the pvp event expire; then after 40 minutes had passed still in pvp queue decided I had wasted enough time and logged out.
  • it is taking me over 30 minutes for every pvp match queue - it's like the leaving penalty is bugged and affecting joiners!
  • Have you tried the other companions lately? I know many of the ranged companions got a reworked AI. The ranged attack companions and healers I have used since the recent module update all RUN AWAY now from melee attackers! Finally they are acting like ranged pets instead of running up and hugging any mobs I engaged. I…
  • Yea, because botters are going to take a break from earning sellable items and AD to bot for bound charms used for bound cosmetic items. Makes total sense...
  • So after a few ticket responses guaranteeing that our assets would be returned ("Rest assured that one way or another, all of your missing assets will be returned to all affected characters. Thank you for your patience in this matter.") we get the final response today that gave us 2 adventurers and 4 random useless green…
  • I lost 7 Adventurers due to this bug (as have many others). Any idea when I will get these back? Made a ticket but we know how often lost item tickets are answered...
  • I really wish I had known about this post. I had 9 adventurers, just received 2 more from leadership pack, and was told I could upgrade even though all but 2 were in use. Unfortunately it used ALL of them and when I cancelled the action in a panic it only returned 4 of 11. Will this current patch return the missing 7…
  • same here - quest stopped and can't get sparks to progress to the next zone
  • drrr carry on, nothing to see here... :confused: off to level muh kitty
  • Funny, I have been constantly grinding for AD since level 60 and never spent a penny to buy it. Repeated Dungeon Delves to sell the drops and chest items on AH after I was outfitted, selling the token and glory items on the AH from dungeon and pvp grinds, daily AD quests, Leadership tasks (after grinding to 20) each day…
  • I just hit level 20. Does anyone know if I still need to use my level 20 experimentation to unlock more recipes (if so how many are there so I know when to stop making the useless resource draining Major Unstable Potions)? Rank 20 Experimentation is the only lvl 20 recipe I have so hopefully there is more to hitting 20…
  • It is ridiculous that some people claim 'just live with it' and are so set against changing the initial stats when respecs are currently available to change everything after that initial stat choice. Do you think there should be no respecs at all? Even when the "rulebook" changes with a new patch. Would you be running a…
  • GS is a terrible indicator of a character's talent, abilities, and even gear. First, talents will affect GS. This is why some classes will have over 12k GS in tier 1 and blues while other classes need all Tier 2 and lvl 7 runes to break 11K. Characters can pick talents that raise stats, which will raise GS - often…
  • you cannot queue for dungeons or skirmishes you outlevel. what part of that is not true? I know you can zone in at the door of the dungeon, which is implied in my post when I mentioned grabbing a group of friends and going in. I know some people keep them thinking that they will complete when doing the epic version (I…
  • were you going to make a group to go back and enter those low level dungeons manually for the daily reward? You would not be able to queue to get in, and the epic versions are considered different dungeons and won't update the dailies.
  • yep, it can happen repeatedly when you respawn at the campfire during pvp.
  • it is not the graphics setting, as I have 5 characters and it only seems to affect my level 60 characters. I can log my lower characters in fine without any delay, but one of my upper characters (I swear it changes each day) can never load unless I ctrl-alt-del minimize then bring back, which usually (until todays patch)…
  • Increasing gear score is incredibly easy. All lvl 60 greens will get you into the intro dungeons. If you pvp'd at all you probably have enough easily saved up for a purple piece. The common lvl 60 dungeon gear drops are flooding the auction house at ridiculously low prices. And queues (especially if dungeon delver is up)…
  • to bad the seal vendor's only sell items your class can use - otherwise it would be a great way to buy items to transfer to your alts :(
  • I have had this happen as well. The client freezes when I moved an item from the bank to my inventory - had to restart 4 times to get armor out I had put away
  • what is the point of a random roll if players will re-roll continuously until they get the best point allocations? Since you are not limited to how many times you can roll, then may as well continue using limited point distributions optimized for each class.
  • the Scorpions? More life Real Life! :D
  • I am excited to play a cleric devoted in life forces :)