I am still patching. The funny part is I am downloading Rift again and I am getting 6.52MB/s and I am almost done downloading a 10.5 gig game. Well played PW, well played ...
Why do companies use ****ing Twitter and Facebook for **** like this? USE THE GOD **** FORUMS YOU DESIGNED FOR THIS GAME. Not ****ing social media. I am not going to check my Facebook for Developer notes, they should be on these forums.
PW/Cryptic needs to develop a better patching system. The current patcher sucks. And of course we can't get a simple response from a dev explaining whats going on. We just get to wait in the dark till they get off of their collective asses to do something about it.
Gear Score is the single stupidest value that is listed on your character sheet. Not only did it come from WoW (as a developer tool) it also scales differently for each class. So in essence the GS of a TR compared to a GF means exactly HAMSTER. Why in the hell is it even in this game? I remember the reason I quit WoW was…
Just based on the "coming soon" icon and the nature kits I am inclined to think Ranger or Druid. I am more so inclined to think Druid just because there is zero ranged weapons in this game so far, not as to say that they can't make one and patch it in. Adding the Druid would balance that out a bit 3 melee and 3 spell…
Dude, this is an open beta. Quit *****ing about content. Just because there isn't raids now does not mean there wont be later. Or at release even. Betas are never complete games. Why don't you actually test the game instead of gobbling down content like Honey Boo Boo's mother eats Big-Macs.
I haven't even played the game yet and I completely agree with the wipe. A rollback is not severe enough for this situation. This is an in game currency vs. real money issue. The people that paid for the founders items in real currency at least deserve this. The items are account bound so they should still be able to…