I got a problem with that too .. i only did the quest once and it says 3/3 Pit Fight in the quest log but dont show up on rhyx about it so i had to abandon it .. also similar counting , interacting problems with Skyrmishes quests now cant b completed because of the leveling up , the related quests disappears from queue ..…
Well i cant start a thread , even the forum is bugged !! But im having problems equiping blades for my rogue lvl 36 and its annoying ! Browsed the 1st 10 pages of the forum to post this since the bug report feature and support are still not working properly .. Anyone else with this problem ?
Very nice ! Im also fond of having a in game manual iwth updatable/writable notes (these could by acc player notes like in the 1 NWN but for monsters or other issues) , number slayed bosses related , wereabouts , etc ..