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  • Well you should care because PWE has killed off every game they publish. Do you think Neverwinter will be any different?
  • No, don't be over dramatic. I don't understand why people *always take things too seriously* And as I said to the other thread. Why does everything has to be the extreme? 34000 hours of grinding. or coughing up a lung to get a mount. How about.. you design a cash shop that's balanced, and rewarding in both areas. OH GOD.…
  • Yeah, because the other PWE published games have always "Corrected themselves"... Oh right. They're all dead.
  • Why the hell does it always come down to one extreme or, another? Why it can't be *BALANCED* I am not lazy, but I am not a hamster either. I like a challenge, but I am not going to keep running on the wheel forever. Do you also forget that PWE KILLS THEIR GAMES WITH OVER PRICED CASH SHOPS? I also came from those games. :b…
  • I'm sorry. How is paying 40 dollars for a mount in the cash shop When I can spend 40 dollars an get 2-3 games off steam. How can I not be mad about that? Do you have any concept of money?
  • Oh, no. I have no problem people enjoying their grind games. I have a problem when *they expect everyone else to grind like they do to get their items. Some people enjoy spending a day getting a cool item, some people like spending 43000 hours to get it.*. My problem is that the cash shop is over priced. PWE always over…
  • There's a big difference between the game, and PWE business practice. Just sayin' yo.
  • Ahhh. **** double post thing.
  • Thanks, but don't be a tight ***. I was joking.
  • Are you ****ing kidding me? Go look at other PWE games. They're all basically dead due to their over-priced cash shops. ALL OF THEIR GAMES ARE DEAD DUE TO IT. Also . I am really tired of reading. "How is a business making money greedy?" .... You can be a business and not over charge your product. I bet if food went up 9/10…
  • The White Knights are coming! The White Knights are coming! The White Knights are coming! Seriously the White Knights are coming and they will you that you're a lazy person entitle gamer. Because they have no concept of a real game without giving massive amounts of money to win. They don't get the concept the the time you…
  • :b I'm not saying the game itself is bad. I got to play a little bit with all the graphics turned down, and I had a lot fun. (I could play it with every either set to zero, or 1. Eh. .-. The character models didn't even load until they were five feet in front of me.) The game is solid. People just worried about PWE ruining…
  • And you sir are as ignorant as you are stupid. Because I already stated that I was pretty okay with paying the 60/200 dollars because it's like buying a regular game, or a collectors edition. Ha. What I am saying that the AD/ZEN are just too ridiculous. Games shouldn't be "Pay to win." Or "Pay to unlock this special…
  • That's fine, and dandy. My thing is that PWE is known as a greedy pay to win company. They always have been. You can have a f2p game without it being p2p. You don't need to have insane prices on your cash shop. You just need to have a *good* cash shop that people will *want to buy stuff*, and not because they *have to buy…
  • Oh, and people. I am not really defending anyone. It's just the white knights really need to shut up when they're defending a company that already has a history of being greedy money grabbers. To be honest. I am fine paying 60 dollars for f2p. It's just like buying a normal title. I'm even fine with 200 dollars purchase.…
  • I would also love a Key.. :D If anyone is interested? I can play whenever you like if you want a buddy.