So, here is an update fr you! Due to the DDOS attack, I went from page 1 to page 56. I was in a match with a guild mate when the servers went down and got a loss, a leaver penalty AND a 55 page penalty! So awesome!
Also, maybe you can make a kind of "pot luck squad" where you could assemble a rainbow out of people without a squad? That way if someone had nobody to group with it could get them into the tournament and possibly get more people interested.
Take note of how many different screen names are posting this in chat. Literally hundreds. If one name/account gets banned, they just hop on another one. This is big business for them. NW needs to address it but have not as of yet. I honestly do not think they can without turning off chat. I do remember how it was before…
But seriously folks, the worst part of PVP is PUG's that don't understand the game and don't know what to do. No communication and zero tenacity makes for a HAMSTER match.
There was the regularly scheduled server maintenance at 7am PST today. they then ran into a problem with MS, which has delayed everything and caused the update error. If any of you bothered to look at NW's twitter feed or ARC's web page, you would be apprised of the situation already and wouldn't be doing unnecessary…
I don't kill anything but super squish PUG's and players I happen to get lucky and hit last! lol. I am a pure heals healer, no DPS, so I never claim to kill anything. I can, however, survive a bit and usually hold a node until I am overpowered by numbers.
I and 2 friends run CN in 40 minutes. With just the three of us. We have run people through T2's to get their complete gear in under 2 hours. Find friends.
Awesome write up. As a pure heals DC, I get to face a lot of TR's. They can be killed and can definitely be held at bay until some DPS arrives at 2..where I'll be...holding off a few of
Thanks for the offer, but I signed on with eRekt last night and am happy with the decision. I have seen Denial players plenty of times, always a good match!