Hopefully not for much longer! ;) We may have to wait on Scotland being free or 2015 until a new election... of course that's a different subject... ah well. :)
You won't be able too. I had the same issue and got told by Admin that it's to do with taxes and was pointed to this link: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1200821 Personally I think it's sad that the UK just gets classed as part of the Euro when were not even in it. I for one won't be paying 10pounds…
That's weird, because any other games I buy via paypal uses pound sterling and a 29.99 game is 29.99. It seems as though this was done only in euros and dollars so I only get paypals conversion rate. Sorry but I'm not paying an extra 30 pounds than my friends in the USA, if the travel agent did it with your travellers…
My problem is the conversion rate... 60 bucks or 55.99 euros, BUT $60 is only... *rest of post* ... ...seems I only got half a post too! lol :( Here is the missing part... $60 is Nm, buggy forum is bugged. :(