after today's patch, still no change in the merchant's store BOE/BOP text lines, still remains the same, every ticket regarding this issue gets instantly removed somehow or seems to be 'lost', seems rather fishy to me, the devs are seemingly avoiding this issue big time...
yes indeed, pseudodragons go for 3m+ ad in auction, which is quite the considerable amount, not to say it's a lot for most people, i also sent a ticket but i figured i'd make a thread about it to bring it to some attention, thanks for replying jarecord and i'll hope we get a response!
Today i bought a pseudodragon from the dragon scale merchant, which clearly said BOUND ON EQUIP, after i bought it, it was bound to my character on which i opened my lockboxes because i had some trade bars left on this one, but i don't even play that character So now i'm stuck with a character bound pseudodragon on a char…