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  • Nah it's way too much! 5% ? and once chosen it's locked, why would a diety give you more or as much as your actual race? and capping stats is easy enough as it is, adding dieties with 5% more stats would only make capping way easier, where's the fun in that? Plus people would just pick the bets ones and the rest would be…
  • i will agree to everything but the fishing mechanic, No thanks that was traumatizing lol One thing i will mention of the many that i can add to this is they should consider intergrating the bosses from a dungeon or trial into the zone just like the river district had nostura and all the bosses from spellplague . That way…
  • oops ill comment on dracorys original post
  • Old in what way? compared to preview? then yes, but when i did that, it is the current live version.
  • why is this even a topic, you posted changes ( out of the blue ofcourse ) , most of us don't want them. so don't change it. it is an uneeded change, you have way more important issues at hand than an FOV, which isnt even an issue and shouldnt be a concern to you. please, just leave it alone. for the love of god. why do we…
  • A ridiculous change!! sure, limit us even more, with something so trivial as FOV. i think you have more important fish to fry than FOV . the fov should be a choice players have, taking away choices isnt going to go well for you. Especially for non essential limitations. I rather you limit rubberbanding, bugs, glitches,…
  • G.U here.. Wasnt aware people called that 5 man rogue run we did an exploit, we apologize if courage breaker was broken, and we just used it as it was handed to us.. Personaly idc who says it was an exploit, i disagree. i think it was creative and fun and totaly legit. People have different opinions, and thank you for…
  • Agreed, i would think player retention, queue system, rewards etc are higher priority items. keys and drop rates are not important at this time. My initial reaction was , WHY? anyways.
  • The game is not pay 2 win, i think people have poor knowledge of what pay too win is. Pay to Win is a situation in gaming (usually MMOs or Massively Multiplayer Online games) where companies allow you to buy items or advantages with real money that cannot be obtained normally by playing the game. Which in nw is not the…
  • Thank you, appreciate the response!! tons of ideas to come.. Have a good one.
  • Galactic underwear here. Content creator ( youtube, twitch ) for those who don't know me. just a few opinions below. ( whiteside i have faith in you, even made some vids about you lol ) hope you make nw great again. Okay to the brass tax now. THE RATE OF FREE KEYS. No need to change the odds, why not just upgrade the…
  • Some of you seem surprised nothing is working in this game <3 <3 <3 Regards Galactic :)
  • Hi, well i will give in to my subs and followers who are asking me to recommend myself, no harm even if i don't get considered. So here it is. Ive been uploading neverwinter guides, how to videos, builds, memes, funny nw moments , podcasts and tips for around 2 years now, ive been playing the game for way more time then my…
  • Most insightful post of all. i hope they consider what you said, not all content creators provide the same content. assuming as a company they would prefer NOVA/SILVERY/RAINER type youtubers, who provide positive insight and actual testing with numbers like rainer. there are some of us who like to be direct and take a…
  • Galactic underwear recommends ROBB - https://www.youtube.com/user/robertfruin1 MINIMI - https://www.youtube.com/user/Feston UNFORGIVEN - https://www.youtube.com/user/djslobicars SUME - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsKA8yap6wPGg-dboCG3Tmg SHARPEDGE -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSibpErNOcQm-75nhZD617g RAINER -…
  • Oh or maye we should praise the devs for all the bugs, and issues that have never been fixed.. right? that my friend, is what is laughable.
  • Whatever you want to tell yourself bud. bottom line game is dead, and dying more each day, its pathetic to see some of the comments against content creators, nobody asked for special treatment, we fought to make it a better game, not to get money.. we voice our opinions as you voice yours.. there is no self interest here…
  • Oh and one more message to you foss. 99% OF THE WORK WAS PROVIDED FOR YOU VIA THE PODCASTS I ARRANGED WITH MOST OF THE CONTENT CREATORS. we gave you the answer, the tools and everything you needed to fix this. and i get it if you dont look at my youtube content, but around everybody taking part in teh podcasts also…
  • Galactic here. Okay everybody needs to just realise this wasnt an apology, it was more like damage control and there is no reason to think anything will change, it never does.. Ive lost faith, i dont believe a single word they say. if this was an apology they would revert things back the way they were, they would make…
  • Galactic here. I wasnt going to comment, but now you devs have totaly lost your marbles and i had to chip in. So "While we understand some players have concerns over scaling, we believe it is in an overall pretty good place." Uuuuhmm? what? are you people serious ? wait no, this can't be real, maybe i'm drunk? maybe i'm…
  • Oh and why do tr's get 1, 2 changes, and other classes like barbies and some other get tons ? Reason why most players don't even log anymore. Regards, GalaCTIC uNDERWEAR.
  • Essentialy the tr tab is useless, since we get CA from positioning.. meh..
  • Uhmm yah, you don't know what you are talking about mate.. all that post that essentialy shows me how little you about the tr class.
  • Heres my personal take on all these changes. And as a content creator (Galactic underwear ) I find these changes to greatly diminish my wanting to create guides, content, and how to videos for Tr's.. most content creators for tr's would feel the same.. Anyways down to business. First of all , why would you even consider…
  • Personally, I don't mind a few nerfs here and there. But I don't agree with totally removing out powering up/buffing capabilities. We need to be competitive and helpful in groups.. In light of these proposed changes, I highly doubt the TR class will be in a good place. I suggest keeping Whirlwind of Blades as it was,…
  • Heres my personal take on all these changes. And as a content creator (Galactic underwear ) I find these changes to greatly diminish my wanting to create guides, content, and how to videos for Tr's.. most content creators for tr's would feel the same.. Anyways down to business. First of all , why would you even consider…
  • Heres my personal take on all these changes. And as a content creator (Galactic underwear ) I find these changes to greatly diminish my wanting to create guides, content, and how to videos for Tr's.. most content creators for tr's would feel the same.. Anyways down to business. First of all , why would you even consider…
  • lol they destroyed us, and gave gwf's a faster way to gain determination, like they had any issues with determination. jesus
  • This is totaly destroying Tr's, don't know what you devs think you are doing, constantly making changes, better, then worse, now destroyed.. rip Tr's Galactic Underwear
  • You guys kidding me right now?