Ok guys...just been in a ME..on the second boss there was an ethreal shade on the middle of the room...After the boss fight i interacted with it and it invited me to put an essence down. i put the essence of SORROW down and it spawned the lady of sorrow. We fought this killed it and it dropped some gear and a wakened…
This is the same situation in the level 80 areas...i entered mad mages lair yesterday...in the q i had 20080 item level..in the dungeon i had 19570, and slightly different stats..After inspecting the rest of the group, they all had different item levels than reported in the q.
Just a comparison FYI. I did CN last night with an HR, an SW, a healer and a tank. We were all similar in item level at 17-18k apart from tank at 14.5k So on dps path i came top at 42 million. Im 17.5k. I doubled the damage of the 18.4k Hr, and she has the new weapons available from the tarm bar store on preview. We then…
Speaking as one of the 1% dps someone spoke of earlier, I can say im in favour of all these changes. The game as become rather one sided recently with all the buffs. I agree the power creep is ridiculous. i can get 100k power myself with my own buffs gear and bondings, and upwards of 200k power in a dungeon. That doesnt…
Check in your wealth tab in inventory...mine go in there at the bottom just before the currency icons..when i complete a 2 run dungeon, Nipsy gives 1 coin but i get 3 in my inventory.
Hey everyone..I dont post much, but i do read the forums often. I would like to propose a potential solution, although i dont know how hard it would be to put into place. Firstly. Dungeons := Why could they not have a tier system for each dungeon. The entry level for CR is 13k.However we all know that a 13k gruop is NOT…
I play a 17.7k op devotion spec...AND I STILL HAVE TROUBLE GETTING A DECENT PARTY. I was in Castle Ravenloft and this other guy says "Op tank doesnt know what to do", at which point i said im not a tank, i'm heals and buffs. He said OP's tank in here only and kicked me from party. When are cryptic gonna make content that…
Plus the fact that since we have tanks that can dps. Dps that can tank. Heals that, well, dont just heal, but do incredible buffs. Tanks that buff.. Control Wizards that dps and buff (dependant on build).Where does anyone see a new class fitting in with that lot. Imho its only going to be one that we dont need.
When i go into a random dungeon, i always ask in chat if its an ad run. If i get a yes then i push forward. If no-one says anything i hang back and stay with the slowest runner. Its actually more enjoyable. If the OP is in a guild you could always ask guildies to run it with you. If you aren't in a Guild then hit me up in…
Ok. Not trying to start an argument, cos i dont know your system/specs, and even if i did it probably wouldnt help, but you say this problem usually occurs when you're in combat or in a dungeon. Have you thought it might be something to do with your graphical capabilities. Just a thought since a lot of people have…
Hi. I've come accross this problem with a DC being unable to target, and on my own pally not being able to do what you say. Solution. Press escape....goto options...and find the button that lets you reset all buttons to default.. Press that. it cured it for the DC and my Pally
+1 to that. Its actually really annoying. When you post an event in your guild, the correct time is displayed there for all time zones, (auto adjusts), so why cant we have it correct in the launcher.
It wouldn't be so bad if they made the Arcanic Focus bound to account. I have a GWF that wants the weapons only and a tank that wants to unlock Spellplague. I seem to get more AF on my tank than my GWF. Please make them Bound to Account at the very least.
Me too...Although it didnt start the same as the original....Just a bit further on...But apart from that it appeared the same. Even had the orbs you can collect to open up the hidden boss. If the Master version is the same then i for one will be extremely happy.
My 2 Cents worth....Unbind the Marks from Svardborg....Absolutley not. People wanted harder content. Cryptic delivered...People now moan about not being able to do it. As has already been said..Join channels.. start your own group...run with guildies etc, but please DO NOT UNBIND the marks. Whats the point of this mod if…
I put my twisted into the new Relic ones...I put my main hand in at level 36 and it went to 59. I put my off hand in at level 46 and it went to 54. !.8 mill rp for the off hand and 3.7 mill rp for the main hand...I am so pissed
Am I the only one who thinks that unbinding the marks is a bad idea. The whole point to me is actually being rewarded for completing the content. Unbinding the marks will just mean people can buy them rather than run the content, which, appears to me to trivialize it to a certain extent. Whilst i agree the process of…
You get 1 blue mark and 1 purple mark in each of the 3 chests evertime you complete Master SVA. Legendary Marks are only RNG. So to get new weapons to purple requires only 5 completions of Master SVA
On the PC version we normally run dungeons in this format..Buffing DC and GF, OP tank and 2 HDPS. We kill everything quickly and very rarely die. As i stated above i am damn near perma again after the nerf and the GF uses ITF and KV. He takes all the aggro and I mitigate most of the damage, leaving the DC to provide…
Hey All. Just to put this into context. I am a 3.3k pally on the PC version. I currently have 18.5k base recovery. This gives me a Recharge speed increase of around 120% and an AP gain of 75%. I have a legendary neck (4% ap Gain in combat). I use 2 sprite comapions (3% total ap gain). I have a ring of rising focus +3 (950…