Do you know of any portals / websites that are focused on all that is NW Roleplay? A place to get my toes wet with roleplay and to help get connected / in the loop?
I think that's their philosophy for one part, being that they are comfortable with it being F2P there is no demand for a completely finished product on launch.
All I can say is when you have what I consider such high quality out-fits, (In terms of texture / detail and no clipping.) it's a very TLC development process and most likely do not wish to release anything other than when it is 100% perfection.
Player Housing / Custom locations. (Maybe this is the Foundry feature.) Customizable armors / armor reskins - such as the system World of Warcraft / Rift employ. A in-game character reference system, such as the many mods that World of Warcraft allow, such as My Roleplay and Total Roleplay 2. While maybe my suggestions are…