I always try to play fairly in PUGs. Only rolling need on items that are an upgrade for the class I am playing, and as I am an alt ***** I could conceivably use all items I loot. The sad truth of the matter unfortunately is that one or more people always roll need for every drop they see, this just has the effect of making…
Yeah, im exited. Got Friday booked off and the weekend cleared, im going to play until the wife freaks out 8) As for people who are already in the game, good luck to them, WTG guys ! no need to get bent out of shape about it, if its even true.
Have you ever heard of the expression: 'Never assume anything, It makes an '***' out of 'u' and 'me'.....' I have found that it is a pretty good adage to stick to. Just saying.
Ahh how the mind wanders through the mist of time, back to an easier, carefree existance of endless summer days and childhood companions.... My first character was an Elf in basic D&D, during the summer holidays of 1982, i was 10 years old and had just read The lord of the rings for the first time, so naturally he was…