Now i havent played temptation spec yet but after reading the forums i was thinking of trying it out. Wouldnt vorpal be good for that spec, big hits big heals right?
Im using damnation and enjoying it, now i dont plan on doing alot of PvP, i do a lot of soloing, but has anyone trying damnation in a group dungeon? Also what weapon enchant are people using for what spec?
yeah im sad, but not b/c i cant buy HAMSTER (even though i dont buy stuff on a f2p game) im more upset that the store is getting more love then the game, as it is i havent played in almost a week now. I just keeping an eye for the warlock. but seeing about all these exploits and lack of fixes im thinking about saying ****…
yeah i know that ppl get angry if something isnt out when it stated that something it coming out and i dont admire the person who has to deal with the gamers on forums b/c no matter what gamers are never happy and always want more or always want a class they dont play to be nerfed, i just thought that giving projected…
i think what i would like most is more communication from the devs, ie when we can see warlock/ranger, when is launch so we have an idea of when the rest of us broke ppl can expect to play as a drow. Yes i agree with most ppl here classes classes classes classes. i think that is what this game needs the most right now,…
oh and me personally i would have no problem paying for the warlock class, its my favorite class on the tabletop version so i cant wait to play as one in game