in the FAQ: Does it cost ZEN to unlock additional Races and Classes? All the available races at launch will be free. So ,some classes and races will not be free.
A good article , I agree with him. I feel the same about CW "It just doesn’t feel powerful enough, or “controlling” enough to be worth the effort". And waiting the foundry too :)
I did a wizard and cleric lvl 16 , and yeah i feel cleric have better CC than wizard. May be later , you got better "Control" but at my level it was more an Ice Wizard than a Control Wizard. Building chill with a spell to get freeze mobs was a good idea on the paper , but in game not really , because you have to get 6…
Because as control wizard , we got the wrong spells , no thunderwave (PBAOE push back) at-will , ray of frost should do more damage ( about damage magic missile) and magic missile should be for a DPS class (sorcerer ?). No AOE mez (Icy Terrain encounter ) , priest have a nice but not CW. And for Daily no Web,Sleep spells.…