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  • Really? It's been nerfed? I switched to the build a day or so ago, to try it out. It still rocks for me, man if it's already been nerfed, I can only imagine what it was like.
  • A GWF that knows how to sprint, and use corners to prevent the GF from charging him too often and closing GAPs, can beat the hell out of a GF at equal gear. I believe what's missing from your analysis sir, is SKILL.
  • Which is getting nerfed soon guys :(
  • Thing is, I think we got sick and tired of coming to the Forums trying to get our class balanced out for PvP. It's not a priority for devs, and we continue to get new adjustments. The frustrating thing is we spend AD and time, resources, adjusting our build and our gear. Putting in more Power over Crit/AP, etc. to take…
  • This really is the truth. It's getting unreal, every single match I am in has one 20K (usually on the other side), and my 16K and 17K toons, coupled with 10-15K'ers cannot win a match. We always come close, but we're always losing. It's so unbelievably frustrating I am seriously considering leaving the game, cause all I…
  • Flavors of the month (CWs spamming chill attack) do.
  • I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. :p
  • Which is why, as I stated in my comment above, teams should GO FIND THE GF. Think of it as our PvP taunt - when that's up, you should be focusing on us. If you can't burn us down fast enough, that's us doing our job.
  • Thanks all. Pando - I think I may keep it as is (I have both from other toons and can swap on my main GWF after a few CN runs for cash and some AD farming). I will say that the 'Sure Strike Pinotta' swinging to tag a rogue has become a silly, yet rewarding way to speed up their hassling of a control point.
  • Tell. Your. Teammates. If you leverage your team CWs melt in 2v1, certainly 3v1. The real problem comes when they are hard to LOS (ie attacking from up above in Domination), or find you 1v1. They are glitched a bit and it will be fixed, and that ice ray is just hell with a CW in great gear, but at the end of it all, they…
  • Remember the GF also takes half the damage intercepted, and it's the glyphs that are borking this, not the effect itself. You COULD try to find the GF and take him out. Sorry there's no easybutton. Welcome to MOD 4. Next thing we'll hear is "NERF sprint on GWFs. They're too fast for me to target." PS it's the Blue Dragon…
  • Class is broken in PvP. Seems poorly built for PvE now as a tank, and the dps increase for SM is meh. Sad what they did to us.
  • I couldnt get in either yesterday. Hard to imagine there are not enough people for any pops.
  • For real, and this is happening it would appear amongst most of us, the majority, not the minority. How do they stand by this reduction in drop rate?
  • Has anyone seen any response from Devs about this horrible issue turning the game further into a grindfest? I thought they were so proud that it wasn't a grind-oriented experience, and yet HUNDREDS, literally HUNDREDS of us are plagued with having to battle an RNG across different classes, with different abilities to…
  • Oh yes, sir, we have no bananas. We have no bananas today!
  • This is my whole point. Three angles for the nerf - mobility, damage mitigation, damage burst, as it relates to GWF pvp. Get rid of one of the three, but as soon as you get rid of 2 or more of the three, we are fairly worthless as anything but a glass cannon (which not being ranged, in pvp is a death sentence). This nerf…
  • What do we tank in PvP? This is a very limited perspective on GFs, basically a carebear PvP pov. By this logic, clerics shouldnt be able to do much of any damage whatsoever, after all, they are a healer. That's all.
  • Thanks much for your pve-only POV. For those of us who PvP the combination damage, resistance, and mobility nerfage is going to really hurt the class and force us into paper tiger specs.
  • Please don't make naive assumptions about other players, you don't know anything about me, nor the classes I've brought to 60, nor my PvP experience. Other classes can dodge to avoid attacks. GWFs don't. Both sprint and dodge take Stamina yes, but using up Stam for other classes in PvP comes with a much higher overall…
  • Have to say, with some basic PTS testing, very concerned for GWF balance in PvP now. Think this went too far the other way. I was never one to abuse Roar, specced out as soon as I saw the bug. Further, always believed that a trade-off of survival for damage is fair. I like adjustments to Unstoppable damage mitigation, but…
  • So as author of this thread, I have to call BS on this BIG TIME. First off, if you want the 'cold hard, sad truth' that truth is that queue times are not an excuse for sacrificing member experience. You have pages and pages of people saying it's broken and the pvp experience isn't fun. Newbies and veterans alone DO NOT…
  • This is actually a bad sign, wrapped in a good message. The good is that openly, honestly, we're not sure when anything will be upright. The bad is well, the problem hasn't been found, diagnosed, solved for, and execution on a fix hasn't likely begun. Good time to go save your marraige, re-bond with your kid, cook dinner…