See therein lies the problem for me. I don't want to be an ice mage but they are pretty much trying to force it on us. What does it matter if one spec is what the majority of the community runs? Answer is it doesn't. Allowing each path to be relevant is what makes an mmo fun. I get to choose what I want to do as a…
Here is my only issue with all that is proposed. They are pretty much HAMSTER every build other than MoF oppressor. I don't want to feel like I am forced to spec into an ice build. I get it that it's useful but why can they just not allow all paragon paths to be viable and this goes for every class. If one has more control…
I really like having a GF in a party when I play my DC.. seems to be smoother run. Sadly neither class is needed all that much seeing the way cryptic has taken this game. I know a lot of people don't like the holy trinity style but I for one do. I can't stand how the tank and heal based classes get left to the wayside in…
Yeah I know that is the issue usually. We can stalemate against some people but given equal skill and gear we are most likely going to die.... no I should rephrase that we will die if no other teammate is around.
I always hate this line of thinking from devs in a game. They feel since we can buff/debuff and heal we have to be gimped in damage and mobility or else we will be too strong. The problem lies in that we pretty much have to rely on our party for us to be successful. Yes we can make a great difference when we are in a party…
I understand the point you are trying to make here with the gwf/gf class. I would say however even if they don't implement it I don't see any reason they couldn't change things up a bit because of a Paragon Path. No one is saying we should just be able to change equipment and instantly change the mechanics of the DC just…
Well your OP specifically states that it WOULD NOT happen not that it was extremely unlikely. So which is it? Also I did state that it was not designed around the paragon path but I guess your knee jerk reaction to my post forgot to take that into account. There really is no reason why they could not do it and it would…
cough...... hunter ranger...... cough......... ahem perhaps not "based" on paragon path but yeah two different animation styles there. No reason why they couldn't implement this into the class though that is easier said then done.