Also having the same bug on PS4 companions are not receiving the stat bonuses from multi-stat enchantments, in my case R12 Brutals. Please fix this as quickly as possible this is absolutely destroying my DPS and ruining gameplay!
In my opinion the absolute biggest and greatest change you could make for Temptation Warlocks is to make Compounded Soul actually viable. Temptation healing is already through the roof and in a game that does not rely on percentage based enemy damage it is far, FAR more than we could ever need. What Temptations need is…
Druid far and away for me, not even a competition. Soon as I saw there was a DnD MMO I was pumped then was devastated to find there was no druid class then became downright annoyed when I saw NPC druids. I am just not sure how it should lean. Probably make it similar to the SW and be able to either spec into DPS(pet heavy…
Has the Maze Engine boon Engine Inspiration been tested to see whether or not it triggers for Templocks? It seems like it would be far better as a support character versus Baphomet's Might.
Not sure if it will help my odds any but don't think it'll hurt so I'll also mention I also have decently high leadership so I am able to craft the guild resource crates. Hope to hear back from you guys within a couple of weeks when you begin getting openings, not having a guild is really holding back my progression.
Hey there, been looking for a guild for ages was about to join Synergy but then they jumped to the 2.7K req and now that I am almost 2.7K they are only taking supports, I have incredible luck. :D So anyways Shauna Angelbane@Shauneepeak Soul Warlock following Shadowfeind's build. 2618(update:now 2703 and still climbing)…
No matter how large of an offer I try on any item in the auction house I previously bid on I recieve the "Your bid amount is less than the minimum bid amount" I'm getting incredibly pissed.