Yesterday the bag never showed up for me, either. Today no figurine on opening my first bounty of the day on my main char a few minutes ago. Acct: @therealsharinganheir Grumbling on guild chat, found out someone else in my guild also didn't get a figurine either. Both post-maintenance today. :( Edit: Second character I…
This would be nice to know. A lot of people seem to be asking this question in game, so I am surprised this is the only forum post about it that I've found yet.
Man, everyone keeps going on about the double RP, but I'm more irked at the lost hours of 2xAD. We've been getting 2xRP basically every month. It has been forever since we had a 2xAD event! :(
Maybe if it were BtA. On chars not currently played but possibly to be played in the future, that's like 2 stacks of clutter more easy to decide not to claim vs a potentially whole bag worth over time since I'd think most would want to get their daily claim of RP items on a char they feel they might play in the future.