I haven't seen it proven, although I couldn't help with the exaggeration. You guys aren't comparing the best GF to the best TR or GWF. It's simply Envy can do this and yada can do that. Envy might be one of the best GF player right now, and apparently the numbers show that GF out dps a TR, but I don't see any concrete…
It's a fact that GF are the most useless class in dungeons. It is because the gameplay mechanic is broken. People are only rejecting GF in T2 dungeons because those dungeons are particularly hard so the worthlessness of a GF is more evident. The broken reason why GF aren't wanted for parties: They can't generate enough…
He's not exaggerating. It's definitely more than 2 secs. CWs have a passive feat that increases their control duration. But the actual problem is that it takes no skill whatsoever to aim cw spells and those very long ranged attacks. CWs can kite infinitely unless against another CW or a TR with the teleport skill, but even…