I think they themselves don’t know by what formula they are working now. Verbalism from the mouth of the developer, more like a PR manager. Over the past week, you have questioned the game in 6 classes (3 tanks, 3 heals). - Wonderful! Go on!
Do you want to say that they immediately, without preliminary revisions, upload the assembly to the test server? If this is so (but it is not) why do not we see a server update every day or two, and a successive change in the server revision (.a1; .a2; a3; ....)? - Because they only upload key server revisions! Which pass…
@asterdahl @terramak you're ruined the event, twice @lardeson spoke correctly. No need to ask testers to check your edits, check them yourself. Can you complete the event at the level of items / difficulty that you set? - Not! The event should be fun, but due to shortcomings and errors, sometimes you want to delete the game
Without hesitation, I would dismiss all those involved in the scaling of parameters (who did it and who led them) People do something without checking how it works!
It seems to me alone that the developers still do not know what the "Neverwinter" should look like in the final form? What is happening now is throwing from black to white, from hot to cold. Continue in the same direction, and then you will have a predictable "vacation"! https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4B1L/3MSPujS1h
The ranger for five modules was a useless class, only in the last (M15) module did they at least do something with it. In this thread there are few posts, not because the ranger is good, but because no one plays them! The ranger is currently not DD, but assistant-DD or support!
- little character skills - gifts are useless, in the old campaigns they had a "personality" associated with the passage of the campaign itself - transformation of the game with complex mechanics into one-button, where the skills on the panel only change the animation of what is happening on the screen - the difference…