To sum up the article: No minimap in Xbox1 Version. We would much rather here about the implementation of bug fixes/nerfs ect., especially the ones of Modul6 -Will the Modul6 Lifesteal mechanic change be in the Xb1 Version from the very beginning? -Will known bugs of Modul4/5, like the DC Astral Shield not activating their…
I remember from Destiny that it launched very precise at 12oclock GMT,which was 1am for me in GMT+1, on the release date. However since NW will be on intercontinental servers I would be prepared for a launch at 12oclock pacific time, which would be 6AM GMT, on the 31. March. I guess the safest bet will be to just sit on…
Gamer Tag: EvilKraut92 I will go hardcore on NW Xbox1, got experience in NW PC. I will level to 60 within the first 24h after release, anyone who is up for doing that with me is welcome to add me!
Issue/Suggestion: No unique achivements Location: Detail: you should keep up with your professional player base and add unique achivements like the WorldFirst Slayers, WorldFirst lvl 60, I know for most casuals this is irrelevant, but your hardcores will appreciate it a alot and in the end, they are all that matters ;)
Hej, I'm running a big guild in the Neverwinter XboxOne Beta, we could really use some upgrading of the Guild-Interface. A option to sort out offline/online members would be nice, also sorting by Region and Level is always usefull,