I dont buy new stuff :P I only bought the drow shirt and pants, bronzewood enchant (only one thats not 100,000s of AD), and dragon hoard/fey blessing to help get more feeder material. My post wasnt about boosting my gs though, i already know it will take a while to max out past the 4k's. I was just curious when (which…
Rank 8 enchants are 30k, after that its almost 200k+ Artifacts are 100k+ (green and above) there is no armor or weapons, if there is i always miss there listings before someone buys them mounts and companions dont contribute to gs so it doesnt help daily rough astrol convert is 36k feeder for gear will cost you more than…
Thats dissapointing to hear its like that on PC. Before my PC moved on to a better place i did a lot of mmo gaming and the false elitism usually started in obt's and ended a few months after its release (once enough "mlg's" were known in the community). Unfortunately on ps4 the lfg chat is worse than pugs. Requirements in…
I saw a video on youtube of a guy using rank 5 enchantments to upgrade artifacts. They appear to give a lot of experience and are pretty common drops. Start saving them up (or buy em if your rich enough) to use for upgrading your gear. (the fey enchantment rune has these drop the same way dragon hoard works so putting 1 or…
Just tried my first pvp match in the domination game mode at 66 and had the same (probably worse) experience. Everyone 1 shotted me and the rest of my team, my entire team only spoke spanish and kept their mic's on while someone screamed at them in the background, and it was a 4(us)v5(them) match. We ended up getting spawn…
I figured that was the case for most of the runs but even still I'm able to come out top dps and am able to solo/tank (holding the aggro) of groups of mobs and bosses. In my opinion this shouldnt be possible for me since i'm playing a HB SW with low hp/def/lifesteal (been stacking crit/power items for leveling up quicker).…
It looks like you can only use instant casts during certain moments of dreadthefts channel. If i try to use hellish rebuke once during the dreadtheft channel then it usually does not work but if I start spamming hellish rebuke it will cast every now and then during the dreadtheft channel.
I havent been playing this game long and am only at lvl 64 currently. But from my experience this game promotes dps roles over tank/healers in every group instance as you progress. All the skirmishes/dungeons I've run can have their enemies soloed and as a result people are usually just running ahead one another to solo…