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What is the Arc Client?
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  • i'm just going by the wikipedia definition of it - shaky, i know, but in situations like this at least somewhat viable. It is what it is, but considering the precedent set by other games that have had "extended open betas", I doubt any number of definitions are going to convince one side to relent and give up their views…
  • Soft launch - the release of a product or service to a limited audience. Soft-launching is a method for gathering data on a product's usage and acceptance in the marketplace, before making it generally available as a hard launch or grand opening. Companies may choose a soft launch to test the viability of a product or to…
  • I think with TESO's faction locking the world this game won't have much to fear there - limiting the world removes Elder Scrolls biggest draw.
    in Wipe? Comment by sers1 May 2013
  • i have yet to do one that has given me zen. most of the surveys will ask me like 4 questions and after the 4th will say i dont qualify. lame
  • warlocks. and rangers, but mostly warlocks
  • yes. yes. please yes
  • another thing I would like to see is a way to mix fashion items and normal armor. if there's a way to do that I haven figured it out :(
  • heeey! I think I was on one of your missions. got to the second observer, logged for dinner and when i came back couldn't finish cause they had been removed. T.T I was having fun with it, too. hope you get it worked out soon!
  • i just wish the costumes were a BIT cheaper and account wide like Cryptic's other games. in Champions if a costume came out as a rule I would generally just pick it up and figure one of my chars would use it eventually. here i have 3k zen but dont wanna spend it unless its something i KNOW i will use, cause i can get so…
  • ...he was saying things he WANTS them to add so he can give them money. and yes. they REALLY need to add more fashion clothes. i bought a bunch of zen and now need clothes to spend them on. XD
  • wasn't altar of ancients from Warhammer Online? i'm not much of a pvp fan but i'll admit, a decent skirmishy objective based battleground like that is kind of fun sometimes. XD i also really agree with your "everyone has the same gear" thing. make it all skill.
  • Zummi Bear! aww. no love for the classics b:sad
  • mostly i'm just hoping to see something close to cryptic's normal level of customization. i'd liek to decide what my armor looks like instead of the standard "this is what you have" approach. EQ2's appearance tab is a bit better, but still fairly limiting when compared to Champ's clothing options.