Rank 15 is going to be the max rank for enchantments for end game least that is what i hear so yes rank 15 is not in game files but might be when first initial raid is released which might have rank 7's at least and i am not saying that paying to win is bad or good, just i don't see why would spend so much on a f2p game…
hey i resent your post i have 3 characters with around or close to 13mil AD on each and i didn't exploit anything to get where i am i realize that not everyone has the same amount of time i do to put into a characters or generally the same amount of time just to play the game in the first place but not everyone that has 3…
is it not the point of being called a "Control Wizard" not give you some kind of insight into the class it self or is it you want to just be a mindless damage dealer, i love being able to control the mobs its my cup of tea as it were. asking for higher damage is pointless your there for one thing only Control.
love this build i was in greens befor getting my butt handed to me then i got this build and it all changed i was wrecking and now that i have considerable amount of gear im just having too much fun.