And this is related to the topic of having power level written in the guild chart... how exactly? I mean, if you have a guild, that has "F newcomers" as their guild culture - it won't change a thing about having this stat. If you have a guild, that has "Const parties for the win!" type of nature - adding a chart stat is…
I'm just running a support warlock. His heals are deadly and his damage burst is quite nice for a support. Not to mention how much defense reduction he has, that works for the whole team and his mighty vampiric burst of sheer power :).
Agreed. Montly contribution total across the whole account to my guild coffers - would be already a fantastic step, even if it would be only available to R6-7 to look at.
Regardless of tracking system, some sort of indicator is highly valuable. Especially for those of us, who play outside of PC (PS and XBOX especially, since I don't believe it's possible to use logs there). Furthermore, since the code is already available - why not just give a handy button, that iniciates this code in one…