I see u too using swordmaster ;] Steel defence and steel grace nothing gives... if grace will be working good that be some idea for fight against CW Perhaps it's bugged from start when it comes from GWF... but not much GFs played swordmaster way before mod 4.0 and not much knows that. 1 think-bug at crescendo - it will not…
I agree with it in 100% U can't mightate and deflect damage from glyphs and that is very, very unfair. Crixus if u will have 3 CW in oponent team with red dragon greater glyphs that be ruining pvp (yesterday my GF meet 4 times premade composite from that and every moment i get 1800 dmg ;]) Glyphs are standard procedure for…
Correct I'm not here a little, silent girl and when i see GF build guide which one is a totally useless and person who post it, sugest that is "so OP on pvp" im a little confused. When i see somethink that is totally absurd, ill tell that-its simple for me.
Lame build - it was good maybe about 1 year ago and now is piece of ... And i check second time... yes u make that topic 04.09.2014... oh dear ;p Ur opinion "how to defeat all clases in pvp" is rlly silly: -HR attack u from range?? No comment man... blades... and only blades rules in pvp (marauders/thorn, boar, fox) with…