Has there been some official statement from the designers that they decided we got our epics too easy? One thing is fixing all the exploits and bugs. That has to be fixed of course. (or at least redesigned). But Gauntlgrym was already a large investment of time, for what, imo was very little actual gain. I need more…
The problem with not queueing with people on your ignore list is; Who is gonna get left out when the system has enough people to form a group? The guy who got ignored or the guy that has the first guy on ignore? I am sure most people would say that the guy on someones ignorelist should be left out, but this is so easily…
Question: Is it possible alot of these glitched dungeon queues are due to players intentionally trying to glitch them? One thing I have wondered about, is that half the time I enter one of these queues with people missing etc. the guys already in the dungeon are already busy killing stuff. I have even entered a dungeon…
Same goes for that uncommon healer you can get from that IGN promo. Means you also get a healer for free as soon as your new toons get to Protectors Enclave for the first time.
What happens to coalescent wards? Do they completely disappear? What are peoples thoughts in regarding to trying to fuse as many enchants as you can before module 2, opposed to waiting it out? Would it be stupid to use tarmalune trade bars before the patch to buy the wards?
Being able to ignore another player seems to me to be enough. And while speaking of spam, are you only talking to the gold spammers or everyone that floods the channels with party requests as soon as DD starts, gauntlgrym DD starts etc. etc.?
Holy Necro Batman! And to actually answer the question. There is only ONE server now, called Dragon. However they have split hubs like protectors enclave into several instances. Click the blue button next to your map and you will be able to choose to move to another instance (if theres room).
55000 people watching a liveevent is a pretty substantial number in my opinion. Anyways it still feels weird complaining about free stuff, and I guess im also more disappointed than mad. Did some farming today in protectors, and after getting 50 points I gave up. Not even the waukeen coinfarm was this tedious. Dont get me…
Yup. Got this problem on every single dungeon i tried to enter today, from Grey Wolf Den, To Throne of Idris, to Malabogs Castle. Not a single group got ported in succesfully. Either we had missing members or the team had not been formed. More often both of those things occured. I never was able to take advantage of DD…
This is working as intended as far as I know. It is not a matter of how long it takes to complete the dungeon. Its simply random what you get in the chest, and just like the lockboxes you are more likely to get blues than the epics. It works the same in the t2 epics. There you are lucky if you get the t2 item, mostly you…
Huh. This doesn't make much sense. The daily dungeon is Dread Vault. And Im guessing its not while levelling you have to complete the epic version for the daily?
I have had the same problem happen in MC every time i try last week or so. And while swarf is right, this is not actually what happens. Tonight the same happened again, and 5 of us where just sitting around the campfire. We actually had a pretty decent team setup though, and ended up doing the dungeon.
I'm not gonna bloody disconnect my modem OR do ipresets. This seriously could use some fixing though. Cant stay connected for more than 20 minutes today.