4 Lol i cant believe your ran withour armor shred before.. its gwf's best trait period. You are prob the first person ive ever heard of not using it at some point.
What the hell I see a load of talk about single target damage and must enlighten you that if you are looking at being a single target damage dealer your am idiot. No seriously you picked the entirely worst class for single targets, aaa dps cleric could prob out damage a gwf vs single targets.
Ye daring shout, ive not played for a few days waiting for content. The deal extra damage to marked mobs (which daring shout gives) IS significant, I havnt done the calculations but its definately noticeable you can test it yourself (plus it effects whole group). I find this odd you talk about the skill yet fail to mention…
Whats with all these I beat xx rogue posts, theirs a huge different between a good rogue and a bad rogue, good rogues are simply impossibe to outdamage in anything by end of dungeon (except by like a wiz in castle never). As for roar / come and get it..... why is everyone forgeting the best one which is challenging shout?…
Dont know the calculations behind it to well so not sure, as for wms everything a gwf does isnt great at single target damage at all, the only thing you rly bring against a single target is debuffs so it dosn't really matter. I use instigator build with challenging shout (damage mitigation debuff), the spin attack traited,…
This seems to happen more on neverwinter than any other game ive played, possibly because the people doing it know cryptics/pw will do absolutely nothing. Bring back the old says... ****lists need to stay so we can all avoid the ****s!:P. Oh and mod, it isnt insulting another player if all hes doing is stating facts, they…
Honestly i wouldnt worry about having recovery that high, to me it seems less effective than other stats when most of your damage comes from at wills and AP gain is allready very quick. PS the only blue i use is belts. Just keep in mind at the end of the day we are still a class that needs love.
Honestly im worried about using tenebrous, it feels like it should be nerfed and i hope it is. IMO just focusing on getting crit/arpen/recovery up to DR and then pump power. -EDIT- Ok according to this thread http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?226361-Math-on-Tenebrous-Enchantment tenebrous is not that great,…
I think he was getting at the fact... if the research is there you might aswell use it.... But seriously your just downright trolling now Saviorgun, just forget this thread exists and grow up. You could have either explained to people or ignored them, instead you throw a fit and derail your own thread then come back for…
No, i have group assault. The dropoff is far higher than anything the trait counters/ or wicked strike has a maximum target count which im not sure about. Likely because the dropoff is calculated after the +5% per target. Notice this is only in castle never ive experienced this big a dropoff, im assuming its because mob…
Unfortunately wiz can do more aoe damage in castle never, this is due to the more mobs a gwf hits the less damage each mob hit takes after first target. Meanwhile im pretty sure CW does full damage on all aoe's. Yep, gwf is useless in castle never except as a dedicated rezzer and debuffer:P.
This is kinda offtopic but has anyone tested the damage drop-off for using weapon master strike and wicked strike against multiple targets? Also I cant escape the feeling weapon master strike does more damage when tons of mobs are on screen even when wicked strike is traited, could be because wicked has a higher dropoff or…